Small Hiatus ♥

Evening everyone. Just wanted to let you all know that I will be on a small hiatus due to the move. The internet will be off as of tomorrow and the earliest they can get out to the new house on the 9th of June.

Everything is going very well. We are right on schedule. We should have everything out by tomorrow and then Sunday and Monday we have to finish up the cleaning. The kids’ room is ready for paint. Tomorrow I have to cover up the last remaining 4 holes from the curtain rod. There closet is completely done. The bathroom is ready to be cleaned. The laundry room is completely done. Our room is all packed up just need to do touch up paint and try and get foundation out of the carpet. [The twins got a hold of there Aunts makeup and the floor was made “pretty”.] The kitchen, living room and dinning room are the only things that I haven’t started on.

The electric is on over there. We have to wait until the 3rd for the gas to get turned on. That was the earliest date they had. So for a few days we have to use my moms shower. At least I can wash our clothes!! Yay!! We down-graded our cable as well. We got rid of the Road Runner turbo and all the premium movie channels. I was so sad to see my movie channels go, but it saved up $40. I got up on a budge for the gas and electric. For the next 3 months the gas bill will be $83 dollars and the electric will be $53. They will re-evaluate us in 3 months and go from there. The budget that we are on is based on the previous tenants.

We were approved to hang up a clothes line, which my mom and I are super excited about. [If I forgot to tell you guys, we are moving into the townhouse right next-door to my mom. We’ll be sharing a lawn, which is the only reason we got the ok to have the line.]

Hmm…what else? Twins are good. They are just overly tired due to this move. Can’t wait to have everything settled down again and have them back to a normal schedule.

I think that’s all for now. Bed time for me now. 8:30 comes really early. Until I return…don’t forget about me and PLEASE don’t think I’m being a bad person…I wont forget you!! Love to all.

♥ Amanda

Amanda Keyser

amanda keyser

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May 29, 2010

Good luck with the move!!!

May 29, 2010

That’s nice that the kids will be next door their grandmother. Also, they can be as loud as they want inside, with no complaints!

Hope the move goes well xx