Wedding Bands Bought…[by accident]…Plus Pic.

Well as you read, we bought our wedding bands. Now I have to explain about the “by accident” part. We were going to wait until we had a little more money. Well genius me was looking at eBay and found a set that I liked. All I wanted to do was see how much it would cost after tax and such so I could come back to it later AFTER I talked to Pat. Ha!! I have only bought one other thing off of eBay and that was a glass chess set for John, so I have no idea how it works. I bought them. They aren’t that expensive, but the point is we’re trying to say the money so we don’t fall behind. I called Pat at work almost in tears. He’s not mad so I feel a little better. They should be here in a few days. I do have a picture of them.

What do you think?

I wanted a new engagement ring seeing the one that I have signify how we didn’t get married the second time around. I got that one because the 1st ring I was given the same thing happened. We didn’t get married [plus his mom bought it]. But I wasn’t to upset about not having a new one. I like it. Actually, I love it. Well, I now have my new engagement ring along with the wedding band that I want. I have been looking for a ring exactly like that that wouldn’t break us. Plus, Pat will have the same matching band. Now, all we need to do is get a hold of the JP and see what days in August he’ll be in town and go from there. We aren’t too particular any more about the date, just as long as we are married. We’ve been wanting to get married for a long time now. We may have our ups and downs, but what couple doesn’t?

Seeing I’m here, I should update. We thought Riley had the chicken pox. Ugh, what a mess. She had these spots on her face that were itching her and kept multiplying and spreading. Took her to the doctor and they put her on Amox. and the day after she took her first dose, she looked 100 percent better. Owen fell down and scrapped his knee really good. He hates it when I ask to see it. He gets even more mad at me when I clean it. It takes 2 bandages to cover it. My poor kids.

Pats been working 12 hours for the past couple days. There is talk about a promotion for him. Fingers crossed!!

I’m doing alright. Getting used to the new meds that the doctor gave me for my hand. Expensive, let me tell you. The Gambipenton I take is $103.98. I have no insurance so I have to pay it. LUCKILY, I go to Wal Mart and they have a discount program and I got them for $53. The Neproxien they have me on was $30 and my vicodain were $20. [Another reason why we want to get married. Seeing I have to take all these different medicines and I have no insurance, it’s bleeding us dry.] I got the results from the IME doctor. He said the same thing that every other doctor has said…carpal tunnel and tendentious. Tops still wants to fight me. Oye.

Anyways, I just wanted to write and post that picture. I’m gonna go to bed. Love to all.

♥ Amanda

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.The Angel.

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July 31, 2009

Aaaaawwwwww I really LOVE those bands:)

July 31, 2009

pretty rings!

August 1, 2009

They’re really pretty rings!!

August 1, 2009

They’re beautiful!

August 1, 2009

those are really pretty bands!

August 4, 2009

Hey Amanda, I was just wondering, would you be able to do me an Angel diary like you have one?? It looks wonderful and I’d love one for Kian. Many Thanks Gem xxx

August 7, 2009

Hi Amanda, would you please do me a new diary for Kian and a new diary in fact?? Im ready for a change, arent bothered about colour or what it looks like. I just loved your angel diary Loves xx

awww these rings are beautiful!

August 10, 2009

Hiya, did you get my message the other day?? Are you ok? xxx