Bored At Extremely Easy Job Woo*
La la la. Typing in a blacked out monitor because I don’t want them to see me not working some more. Even though I’ve been instructed to work less. Ha ha. Because he’s training someone else on the job, just in case? It’s weird, cos really they totally don’t need me if she knows how to do it, but hopefully they don’t cut my contract short.
Trying to learn origami as I sit around doing nothing. Origami and 10-key. Getting better at 10-key, but no better at origami. OH WELL.
I bought some square paper with poop jokes on it because it’s made of elephant poop. Om nom.
This entry is interesting!
So just to clarify something from a couple entries back—and believe me, I appreciated your notes/insights/all that jazz, but I feel like maybe I misrepresented the situation. Oh, I have no idea if I was going to add something to the end of that sentence because I can’t read what I’ve written. Was I going somewhere with that? WHATEVER.
Aaaaanyhoozle, the sex situation with DW is like. Fine, really. My interest has been waxing and waning, but he’s definitely not being a dick about it. It’s just assumed that I’m always into it because I ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. Even when it makes no sense to have sex. Like, he can usually keep up with me but there’s never been any lack of interest on my end. So, ya know. It’s not like he just walks in and starts grabbing my tits and is like “what, lol.” Or that he’s not doing foreplay right, because he is. His willingness to spend time getting me turned on has not changed. I mean, not much.
I think part of it is just the pressure, really. Like, because I know I’ve always been into it before, I feel like as soon as he walks in the door I have to put on Sex Face because that’s just what we do. And placing that pressure on myself kills the attraction. I had like, ONE moment of “omg I might not be into it right now” and it spiraled into this THING in my head.
But it kinda helps that we’ve been watching Misfits for a couple hours a night and not doing anything and then he goes home. We seem to be reaching a point where sex is not a necessary portion of our interaction. We were there before he left, but getting back there has been weird. Because it kinda seems like we’ve only been doing this a couple months, and we shouldn’t be so comfortable yet. But it’s been way more than a couple months total, and that shit doesn’t get erased just because he left and came back.
La la la I did five minutes of work and forgot what I was typing over here. Lolz.
Oh man, so both my trainer and the person in-company who they’re training to do his job are both pretty cool. I haven’t interacted much with the girl, but she seems funny/cheery in a way that doesn’t annoy me as much as her makeup. I need to stop making so many JUDGMENTS, man!
I have developed a stoner cough, and also the person across from me types way faster than I do and this is INSULTING TO ME. I am supposed to be the best at things god
Oh right, anyway, SEX. Sex is good. I should have some of that maybe. I’ll see if I can trick DW (which stands for Deconstruction Worker, FYI. It’s a job he used to have. Not Doctor Who. God I wish) into coming over later, and maybe I’ll answer the door naked. No. Maybe I’ll answer the door fully clothed in PJs, stoner coughing up phlegm and sneezing into his eyes.
“WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS,” he might shout. “BECAUSE WE HAVE TOO MUCH SEX,” I may respond.
Ugh we are on the first season finale of Misfits and the following paragraphs contain spoilers.
Okay then! All spoilers are blue!
So Nathan just got his power and he is BURIED ALIVE and I am FLIPPING OUT. I know Kelly’s gonna save him, because she’s the only one who will know he’s alive, but still! I bet there’s gonna be an entire episode where he’s stuck under there, and he won’t know she’s trying to save him! AND WHAT IF SHE DOESN’T VISIT HIS GRAVE FOR LIKE 6 MONTHS?! Oh my god that would be so awful. SO AWFUL.
If he dies and comes back, does he still have to finish out his ASBO? Man, that’s some bullshit.
I seriously hope this just makes him a slightly less obnoxious character, though. I can only handle so much douchery. He actually reminds me a lot of my stepbrother, except Dori doesn’t know he’s being a dick. He just shouts inappropriate jokes too loudly and then when he realizes he’s made people uncomfortable, he gets self-conscious. But instead of this causing him to back down, he just gets bigger and louder in an attempt to “own it,” and by the end we’re all just embarrassed for him and he’s embarrassed for himself but won’t admit it. I pretty much hate interacting with him. At least Nathan’s aware he’s a giant asshat. He likes being an asshat.
So earlier I was walking back from the drug store and there were like, 5 hot guys putting folding chairs (?) into a car, and various other shit. I was looking at one of them because (A) he was hot and (B) I thought I knew him.
Guy behind him, who I definitely clearly wasn’t looking at so I totally didn’t cause this (and I didn’t even look at the one guy for very long, I just glanced and was like ‘um I totally know that guy but why?’) started staring at me and grinning. He was carrying a bag of stuff, and he ran into someone else in the group who turned around at the wrong time, and I had no choice but to laugh openly and keep walking. It was GREAT. And then I was like, “But wait… Is there something on my face? Is that why this is happening?” But no, there’s not. Apparently I just look THAT GOOD today.
He was hot, too. Like frat boy hot, as they all were, but still. Any time I attract a frat boy, it reminds me that I’m not in high school and blonde cheerleaders aren’t the only ones who can trick hot guys into liking them. Not that
I feel the urge to do so. Otherwise I might not have openly laughed and continued walking. GOD I’M A DICK.
I shouldn’t laugh too hard, though. Yesterday I fell over trying to walk on slippery bricks in time with my fast-paced music. Comedy ensued. Except for the part where I limped to work and now I have knee bruises like a hooker.
I should seriously stop typing now. But I don’t know what else to do. I am like TWENTY MINUTES FROM BEING OUT OF WORK FOR THE NEXT 8 BUSINESS DAYS.
EDIT: Clarification: I have no time off coming up. I just have to come in for 8 hours every day and do nothing until NEXT NEXT Monday. As in, April 2nd. Because a large portion of the work only refills on the 1st and 15th of every month, and it takes about… 4 hours to knock out? And then the other shit, which is preparing mailings, also refills. That takes something more like… Maybe 20 hours. Total. Every 2 weeks.
So just to do that math for you, that’s about 24 hours of work for every 80 hours of being here.
Last week I powered through, not knowing I was nearly done, and I finished everything in like 2 days and now that they’re training someone else, he wants me to leave some work there for her to learn with, which means not even doing the 3-ish hours of work I left in the queue. Actually I think it’s down to about… 30 minutes now? I’ve got like 20 letters to print and fold. That’s all I can think of.
So, yeah, 3 hours left of this day, followed by another 8 tomorrow and then, you know. 40 next week. For fuck’s sake.
Gonna get really really good at 10-key and origami, guys. SO good.
Thank you so much for making me giggle with your stream-of-consciousness stuffs.
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Your entries crack me up. 😀 I dunno, PJs and sneezing? Sounds hot. Sounds like a sex party just waiting to happen – double the bodily fluids means double the fun! Some dudes might be into getting phlegm-shots in their eyes, you never know.
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How’d you get 8 business days off so early into your new job?? ~I’ll be
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Re: Birth control saved my life when I first started it (not literally, but it felt like it). I have lonnnnng and extremely heavy and wildly unpredictable periods so the birth control was a necessity. Never heard anything about it giving women cancer though. :/ Yikes… Feel free to direct me to some info on that if you have it. P.s. You’re welcome! Unsolicited advice is my specialty! 😛
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I’m sure I’ve told you that I used to think DW stood for DarkWing duck. Which makes for some hilarious mental images.
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We seem to be reaching a point where sex is not a necessary portion of our interaction. I think this is a good stage, less pressure. Maybe a slight strain of melancholy, but good. Girl gotta’ get out of her head. Spirals ain’t gonna take you nowheres.
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