NoJoMo Day 1
Well officially it is day two, but I will pretend to be an American for the purpose of starting this. I am sure none of my friends on that side of the world will mind 😉
I have decided to do this, one month of writing every day and even more confronting for me, I will make all entries public. I have been fav’s only for so long this scares me a little. So back to old names for family Sal = Hubby and master 12.5 = son (gods he was Master 2.5 when I first started wring here…can you believe it?)
I have a medical this Friday for the new job, which means the process is going to take a little longer than expected, but that’s ok, I am currently enjoying the current temp role with my own office and a door that shuts! it makes such a nice change. And the offices are lovely; there is a pond/lake thing out the front with a bridge and a waterfall. I go out there a couple of times a day and just look and recharge…it is nice.
Crap just spilt cold coffee down the front of my white shirt!
This weekend we finished off the back yard, we now have a garden with garden beds and lawn and everything except plants! We are having a house warming in a couple of weeks and have suggested that people might like to bring along a plant if they would like to bring something for the house. So there is now just a small patch to do in front of the letter box and it is done! Oh and there is a jasmine to plant out the front but I will need to get some trellis for it to climb up first.
So the next big project will be painting the inside of the house, but I am going to wait till after Christmas for that, we have been so busy with moving and me being unstable in employment and everything else that has been going on, I would just like November and December to relax, get some secure employment happening and then tackle the next big one.
This weekend though we are going to finally start getting some pictures on the walls though, this will mean a trip to Ikea to buy frames. Have I mentioned that I LOVE Ikea? It is one of my favourite stores. I have a plan to have a family photo gallery on the long wall down the hallway. Ideally I would like all of the pictures in the same kind of frame, so I need to find something cheap I can paint or frames in various sizes that are all the same. i am sure I will find something!
As of today we are anxiously awaiting to see if Master 12.5 made it into the Gifted and Talented program for year 8. We should get something in the mail this month. I don’t know if I mentioned it but he scored in the top 15% in the test so we are hopeful that this means he may get himself a place at one of his choices. If he doesn’t it isn’t the end of the world and there are still other options such as the Aeronautics scholarship and the ERMITs program. Will just have to wait and see.
I almost forgot – the air conditioners are finally being installed this Wednesday! Speaking of which I had better send Sal an email to remind him to get the day off from work so he can be there. Better do it now while I am thinking of it.
Just another little piece of me…..
Thank you for your note. 🙂
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You know what, I refuse to believe I’ve known you almost 10 years. Just refuse it. Really hope he got into the Gifted & Talented program.
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Ha, I love Ikea, too. People may talk smack about them, but I love “trying on” their sample rooms and pretending I have such an orderly, mod little life. Thanks so much for your notes and for backing my move these past few weeks. It really helped. I’m always amazed at what a wonderful community this is. Also, I am jealous of your garden. I love seeding and planting stuff. 🙂
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wow, 10 years … how time flies!!!
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The pond and waterfall sound so nice. Once when I worked in a building that was located in a park along the river, I would sit outside and just relax. The job was lousy but the outside helped greatly.
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