Perhaps it is PMS, perhaps it is because I got little sleep before work or perhaps I am just sick of everyone second guessing anything that I say…I am about ready to just punch the next person that makes my blood pressure start shooting up.
You know what really makes me mad? When people try to be funny when you are obviously angry. It is like people just can’t take anything seriously! Or maybe they just can’t take me seriously. I am just so sick of it!
Shift is up in less than 3 hours, thank goodness. Hopefully I won’t get held up downstairs by our area manager. I have to go have daily chats with him in the morning now since we don’t have a supervisor on shift. Lucky me! It’s not a bad thing, just a pain to walk across the building and back. Sometimes Jeremiah doesn’t get in until after 7AM and I refuse to wait any longer than that. I should just walk out the door at 6:50 like I’m supposed to but I won’t because I’m nice.
I am getting sick of being nice though. People take advantage of it and rarely to never return the favor. I am just angered right now.
Okay I have to go back to work now. Just needed to vent.
*hugs* Hopefully you’ll get to leave when you’re supposed to so that you can get home and relax for a bit. Work sometimes only exacerbates my bad moods/pms/etc.
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Oh I hear you. Half the time I feel like people don’t even listen, or don’t even believe me when I talk. I feel so insignificant about 90% of the time every day and its very frustrating/
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ryn: I took all of my antibiotics (like a good girl), so I have none left and I REALLY don’t want to have to go back to the Dr. I’m hoping it’ll go away on it’s own. Also, bowling sounds like fun!
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I know EXACTLY how you feel – peeps trying to be funny when CLEARLY you are seriously pissed. Ugh. A punch in the throat would be nice, but I have manners.
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vent away!!!
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Sorry you’re feeling that way, hon. *hugs tightly* Hope things get better.
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*big hugs* So sorry! I hate when people act that way too. It’s like they are trying to aggrevate you even more. Hope things get better quick. Ash
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I’m right there with you. People don’t listen to me because a) they think I’m 14 still, or b) because I’m a girl. They think that I don’t know anything. It’s frustrating. So let that anger ou. I used to be really nice like you. But too many people walked all over me. So now I’m only really nice to people I know, and mildly nice to everyone else.
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damn girl, stay away from knives before you throw one at someone.. haha, i feel you. i woke up this morning pissed off for no reason, yelled at my dad and he told me that i had PMS, then i was pissed off in traffic. yeah, one of those days.
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hey! i had a strange dream about you. i was at your place. and was fighting off … things… i had weapons, and i was using them, but we were being bombed back. it was scary. it’s kind of stupid, but i don’t really know what it means.
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Yeah I hate it when people are like that. Must control fist of death etc…. *hugs* 😉
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