so far…

So far the weekend is off to a good start.  Went over to Brady’s house for the game with co-workers, it was a great time!  The SuperBowl was incredibly boring until the 2nd half, I was wondering if the game was going to get any better.  Amazingly enough…it did!  πŸ™‚  I’m pleased with the outcome of it!

Since it is after midnight it is officially my 26th birthday.  But does it really count?  I was born in California and it’s only 9:47PM on the 3rd there.  HMM.  Maybe I should embrace being 25 for a few more hours.

Not sure what we’re going to do for my birfday, probably bowling in the late afternoon/early evening?  I guess we’ll see.  I think after that Matt and I will go out to dinner and then chill at home for the remainder of the evening.  By chill at home I think you know what I mean.  Wink wink nudge nudge.

Anyway, I’m going to go find something sweet to munch on and then go hit the hay to see if I can sleep.  I slept too late today, until 2 this afternoon.  Blah.

Have a great Monday!  Later taters. πŸ™‚

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Happy Birthday!!

February 4, 2008

Happiest of birthdays to you!!

Happiest of Birthdays to You!

February 4, 2008

happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February 4, 2008

happy birfday!!!!!!!!

February 4, 2008

happy birthday!!!!

February 4, 2008

Happy birthday! Enjoy yourself today!

February 4, 2008

Happy Birthday!! Have a great day:))

happy birthday. πŸ™‚

February 4, 2008

yay! Happy Birthday!

February 4, 2008

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a lovely one πŸ˜‰

February 4, 2008

happy birthday to my favorite aquarius :- )

February 4, 2008

Happy birthday πŸ™‚

I agree with you about the Superbowl. I thought the whole thing was a snooze until the very end! Happy birthday my darling! I hope you have an excellent one. Ashley

February 5, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ˜‰

RYNS: Awesome. Thanks. i’ve just always wondered, you post tidbits of being at work..and im just trying to piece them all together to put a job to it but for the life of me i couldnt figure out where the hell or what the hell you did haha

Thank you for the note. I wrote him a message on MSN (probably not the best method..) but I had to say something and he wasnt answering his phone..and just said “Do me a favor and dont save your message history anymore.” kinda thing and explained that I checked his history with brooke because i saw a comment she made that i ddint like..and i said i was sorry

and i shouldnt of, but i just dont like the way she talks to you, and id rather not know the things she says to him anymore…blah blah blah. I don’t know. He never responded, but I know he got it because his name changed πŸ™

RYN: Thanks. My dad said the same things. She shouldn’t treat me this way or drag me into it. πŸ˜› Yes, we did see the movie and it was really cute. Happy Birthday hun. πŸ™‚ Have fun, er, chillin’. πŸ˜‰

February 23, 2008

happy belated birthday!! xo