so lazy

Leave it to me to feel guilty for taking last night and tonight off from work.  I think what made me feel bad was going to work for a meeting with my team and then going home while they were going upstairs.  I’m going to bake some cookies and take them in tonight though, I think everyone needs a little moral boost after all of the rain we had this week.  The sun is finally out today though.  🙂

So last night after guiltily coming home from work I made a pot roast for dinner.  Naturally it was tough – I need to learn how to cook.  But Matt and I suffered through it and finally drank that blueberry wine I brought home from Florida back in August.  It was tasty!  We drank the whole bottle while watching Resident Evil.  I was amazed, Matt put up no protest about watching that movie!  I guess I will need to go get the second one so we can watch that too, I don’t remember much of it.

I suppose I should get dressed and go to the store for cookie fixings.  I was going to make Molasses Cookies but I can’t find the recipe I used to use and haven’t found any good ones online yet.  Chocolate Chip it is again!

I’m going to be a fairy tonight!  It should be fun.  I am going to bring my camera, maybe I will get a few pictures here and there.

Feeling so lazy today!  This is no good.

I am talking to Tammy and we are discussing baking blueberry cobbler and gooey pumpkin bars.  I am debating taking those two things into work tonight instead.  It would be something different!  And not any harder than cookies really.  🙂  I am just unsure of everyones taste preferences.

Okay I need to get going, it’s 2 already!  Later taters. 🙂

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October 27, 2007

Taking days off are great. I’ve been thinking of taking a day or two off just to sleep in. I wonder if I can pull that off, though. 😉

October 28, 2007

you can come any time you want!!!! just tell me when to pick you up at the airport! 😀

Well. I’ve decided. You can bake for me anytime. You deserve the break from work, so don’t feel guilty! Ashley

October 29, 2007

the potroast was “tough”. LOL… dont worry, i cant cook for shit either.