lead by example
Boy was I glad when shift change was up this morning! We lost power to one of our bays’ material handling system so we had to run the tools in manual. Not a big deal but it really sucks when you aren’t expecting it and people don’t step up. I will do whatever it takes to get the job done and it really upsets me when I don’t see anyone else doing it. I guess that is why I am a lead and they are not. But aren’t people supposed to follow in my example? Hmm…
Woke up late today so I got the rice into the chicken a bit later than usual, I am hoping I can eat before I go to work. Grateful to Widget for coming in at 4:30 and meowing at me until I got up to pet him, hehe. I suppose he’s useful for something.
Yesterday as I was driving to work I noticed one of my headlights was out while looking at the back of the black SUV in front of me. Great! I was terrified I was going to get pulled over last night when I was driving home and back from lunch. Picked up some bulbs with the intention of changing it this morning but I was so tired after work that all I wanted to do was sleep. I was irritated and frustrated and begged Matt to come do it for me. I did try although I couldn’t figure out how to get the dang cover to the light bulbs off. What do you call that anyway, the actual headlight? All I know is that I rooted around under the hood realizing I probably didn’t have the correct tool for it and gave up, texted Matt good night and I passed out.
Not feeling so creative with the camera today so a picture of the bonfire from Monday night.
I need to go see if dinner is done and get dressed/ready for work. Only 2 nights left! WOO HOO!
Later taters, hope everyone is having a good day today. 🙂
If people are too stupid to step up on their own, they’re not gonna follow someone’s example. I learned that the hard way. *hugs* You got a real live kitty alarm! 😀 I hope Matt can fix the headlight for ya. Those are annoying to change. I sliced open my hand once changing a bulb.
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Kitty alarms, as annoying as they are they work. Tho mines not looking for pettins. He wanting food. For the past few weeks he’s taken to kneading on me in the morning. Ugh, so annoying! I wish he’d just wait for my normal alarm to go off before bugging me!—–»
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All you can do is your best at work and it’s everyone elses fault if they don’t step up to the plate. Ashley
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I suck at car fixing. I can barely check my oil!
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i had to change my mom’s headlight once and taking the cover thing off was such a bitch. it took me forever, but i’m surprised i was able to do it. this is coming from the girl who doesn’t even change her own wiper blades, lol. fire pics are so neat. xo
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