wherever you go

 Yesterday Matt and I flew down to Richmond and went to the Aviation Museum they have next to the airport.  It was an okay time, flying was a little bit bumpy on the way to Richmond.  I made sure I had a beer before we came back so I was a little more mellow on the way home.  It wasn’t nearly as bumpy though.  I don’t know why it scares me so much, I know nothing bad can happen to me I just get scared.  I suppose having a latte from Dunkin prior to flying didn’t help, just made me jumpier. 🙂

Matt’s gonna go shoot some pool with Aren.  I am going to watch Sweet Home Alabama, I think.  Drinking a rum and coke right now.  Yum!  Matt came by and took a drink and said "Whoa, there is something funky in that Coke!"  He missed the big bottle of Captain on the counter, I guess. 

I apologize for any non-sensical drunken notes that may have been left on your diaries last night.  I was a little out of it!  It was fun though, we went out and had some beer and yummy wings at The Blue Iguana and then went bowling with Stacey and Aren later on.  Stacey and I downed a pitcher of beer pretty fast (we did?) so I imagine that is why I was so loopy.  It was fun though, I hadn’t been that drunk in a while.  I refused to let myself go to bed until I’d sobered up some so I ate some crackers and texted back and forth with my little sister whom enjoyed the conversation immensely.  I admit I am a funny drunk when I want to be.

The sunset yesterday at the airport:

I should be getting my costume sometime tomorrow.  🙂  I am excited to try it on!  I feel like a little kid again.

Sometimes it is weird listening to someone else’s perspective on your relationship and on you yourself.  It makes you stop and think.  This is not a bad thing.

Okay I think the Captain kicked in so I’m going to go and do something…watch that movie, perhaps?

Later taters!

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I love sunsets!

October 9, 2007

great pic….love it!

October 9, 2007

gorgeous picture! 😀

October 9, 2007

Ooo, pretty. 🙂

October 10, 2007

You must make the cutest drunk 🙂 I, on the other hand, can become rather annoying. Eh.

October 10, 2007

beautiful picture! Sounds like you had a good night!

October 10, 2007

aww it s pwettiful!!! xx

October 18, 2007

Oh wow. I love that picture. You’re a great photo shooter! I just now realized… after all these entries… that Matt can pilot! that is cool!