I’m going to be a fairy!

I spent my Saturday night searching for a Halloween costume…and I found one!

It was a little expensive but I figure I can sell it on E-Bay after I wear it this year, no big deal.

I showed it to Matt this morning and I was like "It looks like something a REAL fairy might wear!"  He laughed at me.  I did too after realizing how stupid I sounded.  šŸ™‚

Not a whole lot going on aorund here today.  Matt and I should go shower and get ready and go see if the Broncos game is on anywhere around here.  But we’re lazy and not doing that.  The Cardinals are winning right now.  Good for them, I really hope Arizona has a good year this year.  No matter how much they suck I will always root for them since they are my home team!

*stretch*  *blink*

Oh…my picture for today!  I must do that, the costume does not count.  šŸ™‚

Originally when I sat down to take a picture of my toes it was to show Kelly how small my pinky toe-nail is as she had been discussing it in her OD.  She had said she was going to post a picture of her wee toe-nail as well but never did…so I didn’t either.  While I was taking pictures Widget came and laid down next to me and put his foot on top of mine.

Hmm well maybe I’d better go get ready to go out somewhere, perhaps I will skip showering since I generally come home smelling all smokey anyway after going out to a bar or restaraunt.

Later taters!

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October 7, 2007

very nice costume. I love the Widget picture. Very cute

October 7, 2007

if you ask me, it’s not glittery enough for a fairy. but it’s definitely a wood fairy type look…. and not that slutty at all! i still think you should take a can of spray glitter to those wings! LOL

October 7, 2007

That’s a nice costume. I like the wings greatly! šŸ˜€ And Sparkli has the right idea with the glitter spray on the wings. šŸ˜‰ Widget is too damned cute for his own good. I was gonna tell you something else, but I forgot. DOH!

October 7, 2007

haha cute costume! šŸ™‚ and your little toenail is as small as mine!

October 7, 2007

Now I must post!! My pedicure is in a desperate state and a new one must be had… but you can suffer, right? I LOVE the costume!! It’s gorgeous!

October 7, 2007

your costume is really pretty. it DOES look like what a real fairy would wear. We ordered ours online as well, they were also kind of expensive but we really really really wanted to go as this so it’s fine. I’m super excited to wear it, i actually just went and tried it on! i’m trying not to tell anyone what it is.

October 7, 2007

love the costume…definately one you should get

October 7, 2007

That is a lovely costume! šŸ˜€ <3

Love the costume, and you have adorable feet. šŸ™‚ Ashley

October 8, 2007

I think that costume is gorgeous. I’d totally wear it.

Great costume!!!!

October 8, 2007

ryn: yeah, & the dumb thing is I called my mom and she was like…”I actually gave you those tags in like, may.” Whoops! found em! lol

October 18, 2007

so we have your toes, and Widgets toes! LOL! šŸ™‚