Lame survey about Matt and I.
The entry before this one is better if you haven’t read it yet. Just wasting time right now. 🙂
♥ Basics ♥
1. Who is your man?
— Matt.
2. How long have you been together?
— 4 and a half years. I think? Something like that.
3. Dating/Engaged/Married?
— We’re well past the dating stage but we’re not engaged either.
4. How old is your man?
— He just turned 26.
5. What’s his middle name?
— Thomas.
♥ You or your man ♥.
1. Who eats more?
— Probably him, everyone eats more than I do.
2. Who said "I love you" first?
— He did.
3. Who’s taller?
— Matt, just a wee bit.
4. Who sings better?
— Probably him but not sure really.
5. Who’s Older?
— Mattchew.
6. Who’s smarter?
— I’d say Matt but there are things that I know more about. It all goes around.
7. Who’s temper is worse?
— Oh, mine for sure.
8. Who does the laundry?
— I do.
9. Who does the dishes?
— Usually Matt.
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
— Me. Him. Depends on how you’re looking at the bed. 😛 All I know is I sleep on his left side when we’re laying down facing the ceiling so I guess he technically sleeps on the right side.
11. Whose feet are bigger?
— Ha, him. He’s got huge feet.
12. Who’s hair is longer?
— Mine.
13. Who’s better with the computer?
— Matt! I’m pretty computer savvy but he knows a lot more than I do.
14. Who mows the lawn?
— Don’t have a lawn but I wouldn’t mind doing it if we had one.
15. Who pays the bills?
— We each pay our own and he pays all of our combined bills and I give him money.
16. Who cooks dinner?
— I attempt to start but he always takes over. Something to be said for my cooking, eh? Hehe.
17. Who drives when you are together?
— Usually Matt but I will.
18. Who pays when you go out to dinner?
— We take turns.
19. Who’s the most stubborn?
— We’re both fairly stubborn but I think I am just a bit more than he is.
20. Who is the first one to admit when they’re wrong?
— I think we’re both pretty good at admitting when we are wrong if it is a right/wrong situation. Sometimes it’s not that easy.
21. Whose parents do you see more?
— Used to be mine when I was living in AZ, now I don’t know.
22. Who named your dog?
— We don’t have a dog but we do have a cat. I came up with Widget.
23. Who kissed who first?
— Umm, it was mutual. We were laying in bed facing each other and I could feel the tension sparking between us…I kept moving closer and so did he and we finally kissed.
24. Who asked who out?
— Never really asked each other out but I did invite him up to Flagstaff to spend a weekend with me.
26. Who’s more sensitive?
— Me, by far. Not a good thing!
27.Who’s funnier?
— Matt.
28. Who has more friends?
— Umm, I don’t know.
29. Who has more siblings?
— Moi.
30. Who wears the pants in the relationship?
— It’s pretty even. There’s not really a need for either one of us to take charge since we are both fairly independent people. We co-exist quite well.
Cute survey. May have to steal it
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If I had a boyfriend, I would steal it. LOL!!!
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What a cute survey! I may have to steal it!
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RYN: Yea. Jer and I hate lanyards too! He refuses to wear one and so do I. They just look so blech and very “I soooo work here, ask me questions.” Haha.
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I’m stealing this, it’s cute! 🙂 I’ll probably use the exact same title as you, haha.
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as you saw, i stole this…and we are all very blessed!
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So. Damn. Cute. 🙂 Ashley
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This was so cute. You and Matt have been dating a long time!
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