Bored Again.

No, I’m not goig to fill this entry up with crap, I’m just bored out of my mind.  Joseph is snoring and Baby Doll is too busy with her toys to notice me.  I could go over there and make her play with me, but she need the independent time, I guess.

Do you know that gas is $2.20 here?  That is fucking crazy.  And now we are hearing that it will be $2.35 before the end of this week.  i don’t know what the hell we are going to do.  Joseph took the second job to have some extra cash, but now it seems like he took it to have gas money just to make it to his first job.  I don’t know how we’re going to make it.  Gas is one of those things you have to have, especially since we are driving 500 miles a week right now.  Arrggg.

Why when we finally make it out on our own, does it seems that things are trying to get as fucked up as possible?

OHh lord, I need something constructive to do.  I should get my paints from Mom’s and take up painting again.  At least I could be decoratine these boring white walls.  It dosen’t say anything in the lease about apinting the walls.  Maybe I could do little designs here and there.  Just for a little color.  I hate white walls.  I hate the hospital feel of them.  I could paint them back to boring ass white before we move out, if that day comes.  Or I could just not and leave things the way I want them since I’ll never get my security depost back anyway.  Hmm…maybe I could entertain myself.

Doll is licking the tv screen.  Is that normal?  Strange child.

Oh well, guess I’ll go play pogo for a while.  That’ll keep me busy.

Y’all take care and hug those babies tight.


Ovarian cancer: It whispers, so listen.

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April 10, 2005

Yeah, gas is the highest in Dallas out of every city in Texas :o( Sucks being a commuter, eh? blaaah.. I only drive 200 miles a week right now though.

April 10, 2005

Im not sure if she still has diaper rash, but if so, get neosporn(sp)But her in a abthtub for a good hour soaking in the water, then let her air dry for a good 20 mins, then put a bunch of neosporn on all the areas that are red and sore, then put powder on top. Do that for like 3 days and it will be gone

April 11, 2005

Yeah I hate the boring white of apartment walls. Sonja and I were silly as school girls when we hung our first picture in the house. Big ceremony for one nail.

licking the tv, huh? I havent heard that one before! 🙂

April 11, 2005

Yes Pogo will keep you busy. I didn’t know you painted.