rack and pinion
i just had my rack and pinion replaced last month and every since we had been smeeling this terrible plasticy, rubbery burning smell. one day we were running the ac and some smoke came in the car so we thought that there was belt or something going out. today i had to put some oil in and i was goign to check the transmission fluid while i was at it so i was looking for the stick to check the fliud and frank (bastard #1’s half ass father), who was helping me look for it screams out what the fuck. i’m like what???? on the back of my engine is a melted flashlight. not like a little two dollar cheapy, but someone’s big ass dewalt spotlight. i’m thinking someone could have fucked my car up if the batter in that mother fucker had exploded. what a shithead. anyway, going to call the mechanic tomorrow and see if the name written on it works there. fuckers.
Y’all take care and hug those babies tight.
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Oh good heavens!!! Sheesh.
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