Worrying HELP!!!


Its 11:30 now and she’s still asleep.  I’ve tried to wake her a couple of times, but all’s she does is look at me, whimper, andgo back to sleep.  Am I being too neurotic?  She’s been asleep since 10:30 last night.  She had 2 more diherra diapers last night.  So she has had no food or fluids for well over 13 hours now.  What do I do?  HELP!!!!!!!

Y’all take care and hug those babies tight.


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February 15, 2005

What I would do is try and get some kind of liquid in her. Since she’s got diarhea I’d try and get some Pedialyte (or similar) in her. If she won’t take it then I’d call the doc. Rule of thumb: If you’re not sure or you’re still worried… Call The Doctor. Good luck (((hugs)))

February 15, 2005

I’m not sure how old she is but A: get whatever liquids you can get into her… if it’s pedialyte WONDERFUL!! I don’t know if you have seen it, but at our Wal-mart or grocery store there is an Apple Juice Pedialyte out and that’s all Noah would take at first. He doesn’t like the brand name Pedialyte – but the generic Wal-mart brand he doesn’t mind so much. Even if you dilute it a little – or

February 15, 2005

mix it with something else (such as kool-aid or 7-up) but something, no matter what it is, is better then nothing. B: Keep desitin on her bottom – that’ll help with the soreness – I’m sure you are doing this but just incase 🙂 Us mom’s have major brain farts when our kids are sick. There are other things you can give her too – popcicles, surbert, jello – that sort of thing. You might want to

February 15, 2005

also just take her out of her bed and onto the couch or something with movie or cartoons on – just to get her a little change of scene – it might just help wake her up a little. My son has been sick for the last week, so I know what you’re going through – I hope she feels better soon! Hope I helped, a little… I’m a new reader btw, caught the entry off the parenting circle.

February 15, 2005

Oi. I hope you went to the doctor with her by now. I will be thinking of you. Kisses

February 15, 2005


Wow, definitely head to the ER. If she is having diarhea and not taking in any fluids she is probably becoming dehydrated. Good luck!

Hopefully you’ve already taken yor other noters advice and given her some Pedialyte and then taken her straight to the doctor. Sounds like she is very dehydrated. I hope everything turns out okay.