As long as we’re here…
Dear Diary;
I feel like I haven’t actually sat down to write an entry in a long time. I’ve posted a few picture entries with minimal writing, but haven’t had the urge to write much more than a few sentences. I’m feeling very disconnected from OD once again and as much as I want to change that, I can’t bring myself to do much more than read other people when I get on the site.
Life, as of late, hasn’t been all too exciting. I’m not sure I can even call it much of a life- sitting around watching television, sleeping, eating (too much) and playing video games isn’t much of a life at all. There are things I long for that are out of reach right now and it kills me to not be able to take that much needed step towards them. I often write about my struggles to find a job and I am embarrassed to say that I still haven’t found one. I have a job lined up for the summer but that doesn’t help me much.
I went out the other day- the first time in a long time- too take Sarah out driving because she went for her driving test on Monday to get her G2. I brought Erin with me and we weren’t long grasping at the seats and holding on for our lives. Sarah doesn’t get out driving much and I have no idea what made her think she should book her test when she clearly wasn’t ready. I got in the car with her and asked her if she’s had time to practice parallel parking- to which she replied "Oh, I haven’t tried that yet". The day before her test and she hadn’t ever tried to parallel park? Good lord. We knew she would never pass this test, but we helped her anyway. I taught her how to parallel park and do a three point turn- but it was too late. She didn’t pass.
I finally got paid (yesterday) for the two days work I did at the Y in Ottawa. It came at a good time because I was down to 35 cents in my bank account.
I went to see "The Lovely Bones" with my mom and her cousin last weekend. I hadn’t read the book yet because the one copy that we own is being circulated through the family. I think my aunt Karen has it right now and we’ll be lucky to see it again this year. Things have a funny way of disappearing when they enter my aunt Karen’s house. I’m pretty sure she has about 5 of my movies- including Mary Poppins, which I will steal back if I have to. Oh, and the movie was good.
Molly caught a muskrat yesterday.
I found out that if you already have a family doctor, you can’t get one of the new doctors in town to take you on. This means that until my doctor dies or retires (which ever comes first) I’m stuck with him. I really don’t want to go see him, so I may die of a heart attack before he does. <—– that’s a long story.
Speaking of heart attacks, my grandma thought she was having one on the weekend so she went to the emergency room only to find out it was indigestion. The doctor on duty (who actually has a brain) still kept her there and did a 6 hour test to make sure her heart was fine. It turns out her heart is in good shape.
Everyone I know is either going on a trip, on a trip now or has just returned from a trip. Are cruises really popular right now or something?
Erin told me that our director at Davern wants her to write an essay before she’ll hire her again which confuses the hell out of me and makes me really angry. I’m wondering what the truth is in this situation…. Erin was an integration counsellor last summer and she did a phenomenal job. She was liked by everyone and she did her job really well so it doesn’t make any sense for Kim to not hire her back again. Apparently is has to do with the very last night of camp- there was an incident with the camper Erin was working with and Erin completely over reacted to it all. The girl was threatening to jump off her top bunk so Erin used hands on to keep her from doing it. We were called in to diffuse the situation but Erin freaked out that she had made a mistake and went to the office to call her dad to come get her because she thought she was going to get fired. It’s a long story- but Erin was being a complete douche bag about it and telling Kim that she didn’t think she should be allowed to work there anymore because what she did was wrong. Kim just shook her head and told her that she didn’t do anything wrong- but I think it left a bad taste in Kim’s mouth. The problem is that if Erin writes this essay- she’s going to convince Kim that she shouldn’t be hired because Erin is way too hard on herself and will fight tooth and nail to prove that she, herself, is WRONG. who does that? And why would anyone hire you if you did?
It took me over an hour just to write that (what the fuck is wrong with me???) so I’m quitting now.
Yea for getting paid and yea for not getting in an accident with Sarah driving!
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How was the movie? I read the book, thought it was so-so. Also, glad your gram is OK.
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