Cheers to a “new years”.

 Dear Diary;

I resolve not to complain and get obsessive/compulsive when I see people write "Happy New Years" instead of Happy New Year.

I resolve not to stay up past 1am… unless it’s New Years Eve (yes, I DID mean to put the "s" on New Years Eve).

I resolve not to read her diary anymore, regardless of whether she still reads mine.

I resolve to find out of "resolve" is being used properly in these sentences because after a while it just doesn’t look right.

I resolve to take my life in a new, exciting direction sometime before December 31st, 2010.

I resolve to go to bed now…..

after I pee.





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Hehe! I hope you are able to meet all of your resolutions this year! Cheers!

Great resolutions! Big hugs and Happy New Year!!!