When did the world get so critical/sceptical?
Dear Diary;
You know, I enjoy watching videos on youtube when I can, and you can find just about anything on there. You can find news, celebrity updates, singers and dancers, vloggers, music, television shows and movies. Something else you can ALWAYS find, are rude, critical comments left by faceless people.
What is it about youtube and the internet that draws in people who have to make sure you know what’s wrong with your videos or blogs or whatever? Is it really because person A believes they know more than person B and they have this macho need to make it known? Is it someone who just sits behind their computer and thinks it’s fun to cause trouble and start fights?
I’m going to stick to youtube because it’s where it’s most noticable, but it happens even here on opendiary.
It’s guaranteed that If I click on any random video and scroll down to the comment section, I’ll find comments like these- picked at random from random videos:
on a video from a young, gay, man speaking about people not letting him be himself:
dlnewman06 (2 hours ago)
I seriously wish to end your existence.
itsallgood20002 (22 hours ago)
Come on you know you suffer from Gay Bowel Syndrom..And your rectum looks like this..
(_0_) Go listen to some show tunes, or watch a Judy Garland movie..Or better yet go spread somemore AIDS so people like Ryan White can die from your deviate lifestyle..Oh and BTW you admit your a cream cake fag huh? good for you, I bet your mom and dad must be proud of you.
on a video of a man doing 100 impressions in 200 seconds:
blacktiger818 (5 hours ago)
he fucken sux
On a video of an interactive card trick:
kelso131313 (7 minutes ago)
anyone who can’t figure this out is a retard and needs to go jump off a cliff
AXRocks (23 hours ago)
SUck my dick you fking gayyy!
This trick sucks. No fair.
I don’t get it.. why would you bother to leave these types of comments? What’s so hard about moving on if you don’t like the video?
Everyone has resorted to name calling and insults, it’s disgusting!
I watched a video of a hit and run a little while ago. the man was hit, the car(s) drove off and the people standing on the street stood there for 5 minutes before anyone thought to go out and see if the man was still breathing, or even to direct traffic around him. Some of the comments were from people who had the same way of thinking as I did- go out and see if he’s okay. The majority of the comments were from people being all smart and mighty saying that (and I quote) "Anyone with ha;lf a brain knows your not supposed to touch them or you can get sued". Those comments were followed by people calling them assholes and other such names and calling the footage "fake" or better yet "hilarious".
Last weekend I watch tornado videos and the comments were all from people who felt the need to write pages and pages of the same comment over and over- which was basically calling the footage fake, or computer generated. (for the record, clearly writen in the description area was that the footage was from a well known storm chaser, and was in fact, real.)
I could go on and on and on.
It just makes me sad to think that people these days are so critical and mean and sceptical of EVERYTHING.
yup they are and the thing is theres no reason for it!!!!
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i like utube
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We are living in a graceless time, somewhat of our own making. It makes me sad. A huge shift in our thinking is needed.
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when people get scared or uncomfortable, they get defensive – sounds like a lot of homophobic comments which are too bad. I agree – if you don’t like it just move on. Also if you want an open forum for your thots – sometimes you have to realize you will hear things you don’t like? 🙁 I’m bitter and cynical not critical and skeptical 😉 hee hee. Which I think is safer in the long run.
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