Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone.

I’m the first one up this morning and its not because I cant sleep….its because my back is killing me!!!

Never mind I have my daughter here who is yet to discover that her Christmas pressie to me will be her being my slave for the day šŸ™‚

Hope you all have a wonderful Xmas day when its your turn šŸ™‚


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Ho ho ho to you too. Have a terrific day – and may that sore back go away, but only after your daughter has done all the slaving.

December 24, 2010

I hope your back provides some relief so you can enjoy the day. hugs to you both…P

December 24, 2010

i hope your back feels better merry christmas!

December 24, 2010

But someone has to make the dinner and the trifle!!!!! :O)

i love you. be well.

December 25, 2010

I hope your back is soon feeling better. Hope your daughter makes a good slave too. šŸ™‚

January 1, 2011

Belated Merry Christmas, McD! I hope your daughter came through with the help. It is no fun coping with a sore back.

January 2, 2011

RYN. I’m sort of avoiding online scrabble as toomuch time at the PC is not good for me. I think the garden will have to take a back seat for a while now as it’s getting hot. Just watering will be about it soon.

January 7, 2011

RYN: I’m glad you’re not heartless. (“My heart makes me tick” *groan*) Seriously, you had me laughing aloud. I’m enjoying the varied responses I’m getting re the most common desire; you are the only one, so far, to choose “my place” It’s one that would be high on my list, too.

It’s 28th Jan here – and there, wIth you, too — so: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MCDINZIE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Have a great day and a great year.

omg! our birthdays are 2 days apart!

i forgot what i was going to say. heh. i hope your back is better. after all you have a long way to fly to come to las vegas. and as soon as i finish disinfecting this house and getting a trundle bed i am going to be ready for company.

RYN re checking under the floorboards: *grin*

February 4, 2011

ryn: lol i think i will try that

RYN (belatedly): Red would be nice, $3000 off was nicer. *grin* I’d been thinking vaguely of a red or canary yellow car, but when that white demo car was offered – well, greed got in the way of exciting colour.

RYN: I don’t believe your visit is a whole six months back, either!

i am not on facebook. having more cousins and second cousins and third cousins and several towns full of people in my family i just kinda of glaze over and go hide..but. i am and you can reach me there. england is on the other side of the world! gracious and oh my goodness! i do know that your hubby is from there..but i don’t think you would plan to come this way and then go on.

but you are more than welcome if you want to come this way! and thank you for the urls for sugar tongs. that was so kind of you.

boodocking is parking rv on side of back road or in a big stores parking lot rather than pay 30 or more for an rv park

RYN: *grin* I think it would have made a great little holiday house, but one bedroom and no living room, in a tiny town (600 people) 30 km. from the nearest city, is not most people’s idea of comfortable living. Hence the low prices for houses in that area.

ryn; showers once every 3 days! hoot! i can boondock 2, and camp in style on the 3rd, and have made reservations where i can already for those 3 nights. have made a point to have a reservation on saturday nights as most places whee i am at will be no more than 250 miles from a big city (seattle/portland hey. how are you doing??

šŸ™‚ thank you for the lovely compliment. heh. that rig of mine costs me abt 700 a month and that is before i even take it out on the road. so i do have to use ingenuity and frugality because there is still a car and a house and upkeep and taxes and oh my..

have driven over 18 hours so far what with the excursions in some areas, but not, i am on interstate 82 which is straighter due to time constraints. and am about to commence on expressway 90 and that is supposed to be very beautiful too

ryn 2. i will rest after my sister fly’s home. as she has a tumor on her adrenal gland she acts like she is on speed all the time…no her tumor is not life threatening..provided it does not grow. and that above note was in reference to the winding road next to the yakima river. i would do it on a motorcycle. or a small car. but not in a rv//

RYN: *smile* Have you noticed the date on the top of this entry? *Hint* Have you taken any photos recently? I’d love to see some, and I imagine others would, too.

RYN: Thank you for dropping in. *smile* I hope you are enjoying your break from being a working woman.

Thank you for the nice note. Are you still taking excellent photos? Wouldn’t you like to show us some here? *hint*

RYN: *BIG grin* You’ll have people reading that note expecting to see me in Better Homes and Gardens! My home and garden is very ordinary, but it’s mine, and I know it and am comfortable in it, in spite of all its shortcomings and imperfections. Have you been taking any photographs lately? *hint*

trip back?

please please join on PB. i love you, dear absent friend.

Please do come to prosebox