Half way through

Already half way through our holiday….dang it…and to the delight of many Victorians its been raining the last few days…and they are ecstatic however the holiday makers from kiwiland are far from happy….oh well we are still managing to have a good time and take lots of pictures. 

Tomorrow we are off to the land of Arbi. We are really looking forward to our day and then we make our way to Melbourne and the down hill slide to the end of the holiday.

Some pictures from a couple of days ago

Lake at Omeo

Mt Holtham and surrounding hills.
Temp dropped to 12deg….brr…and the storm was coming in. There was much evidence of the fire of almost 2 years ago…the undergrowth is growing back but the burnt trees are just sticks sticking up from the ground….very eerie 

A mode of transport worth thinking about for next time 🙂

A hitchhiker we picked up along the way

Just being a bit artistic

You would not believe how quickly this little bird moves there were a lot of pictures taken to get even these

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November 28, 2010

great pics! thanks for sharing them. :o)

wow! fascinating. all of it. and yes, those burned trees do look erie/ and i think that is a great way to caravan, all but the having to feed the horses!

November 28, 2010

adorable bird…and the hitchhiker pic made me smile.The first pic of the dead trees was definitely eerie, but also magically beautiful….loved it. Enjoy the time with Arbi, and the last phase in Melbourne. I am doing a similar trip in a few months. hugs all round…P

November 28, 2010

Those blue wrens are gorgeous, wait until you see a willy wagtail..they are super fast! If you get a chance, go to Healesville Sanctuary when in Melb..you’ll see the burnt trees and new growth but even better, you can see native animals up close and even touch. Better than any zoo 🙂 *hugs*

Oh, these make me want to go to the Hill Country! Gorgeous photos! It was so good to see you both; thank you for visiting. I hope we can meet again one day.

November 30, 2010

Hi. Arbi’s right. You two do do fabulous bird photos! Also love the scenery ones. It is a scenic way to travel, over the mountains isn’t it?

RYN: Your blue wren photos are delightful! The bird looks so perky; you’ve totally captured its character. (But I don’t dare comment on whether your photos or djd’s are better; I just think they are all superb!)

RYN: *grin* There’s an umbrella in the boot of my car, buried under layers of shopping bags. You mean I might need to unearth it?! Drat! I hope the trip home was a good one. Enjoy gong back to work.

December 6, 2010

RYN I wish we’d been better acquainted prior to your trip. I’d love to have met you and been able to show you ‘the hill’. There are actually lots of lovely hill walks round here.

December 7, 2010

RYN Yes I remember having lunch at the resort there once and seeing the blue wrens hopping around. They are lovely aren’t they. I’ve been trying to get a picture of a blue faced honey eater (aka the Whit Bird) which drives me crazy here. All they say is Whit.

December 12, 2010

What a beautiful little bird. It’s great to see summer somewhere else in the world.