Day 6

Just to clarify cause I would not like you all to think I dont move at all during the day…but every hour I get up and move about the house and in between there are the many many toilet trips….so although I do sit on my fat arse alot…I do get the old circulation going as well 🙂

today I watched djd hang curtains in our bedroom, and clean the laundry, then waved him bye bye as he went and walked the dog and got the groceries. He is so industrious…gotta love him for all he has been doing 🙂

And if its not me driving djd up the wall its the animals….always looking for that feed that they wont eat even when it is put in front of them…

I woke in the middle of the night last night for yet another toilet trip to find it was half time for the FIFA game of NZ and Italy and we were 1 all……well after a few attempts I finally woke djd and he got up to watch the second half and I got up for the last 10 minutes… was very exciting….go you kiwi’s!!!!!

Watched TV today….and there was nothing on!! thats just plain cruel you know…except the biggest loser is on and I love that programme 

oh one thing that did happen today that was exciting was that djd got to play doctor to my patient……..6 weeks remember!! he had to remove the cover off my wound….all the sticky tape was taken off and the scar across my lower tummy was revealed….its really un-noticable and appears to have healed very nicely. No stitches…all the stitches are under the skin.

Didn’t get to my photo’s yet…keep forgetting even though I have nothing to do…go figure…so some more oldies but goodies 🙂

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your photographs are just stunning!

June 21, 2010
June 21, 2010

Wow, McD…these are some spectacular photos. I’d be hard pressed to pick a favourite. The silhoette of the people agains the valley is very evocative.

June 21, 2010

glad you are healing nicely. glad djd is there to hang the curtains and do the laundry. lol

June 21, 2010

Thank you for your wonderful note .. I have one .. haha I wrote about it today. I hope that you are well .. will read your entries soon.. Take care .. Thank you again, I appreciated the information.

June 21, 2010

those beautiful blooms are a great healing balm too, I’m sure. I particularly like that photo of the couple at the table and their interaction….there is a story there I’m sure! continue to take it slow…you will be running, and climbing mountains in no time. hugs and smiles P

Definitely goodies! That camelia looks almost too perfect to be true. Ah, you must be healing, because your scar is disappearing. I hope the pain is going away, too.