The djd birthday trip photo’s

Have been told off for not posting piccies of a road trip last month…so here are a few.

But before the pic’s a story from today.  Spent time in the garden…more soil for the spuds…planted some tomato plants and leeks. We decided to head out for lunch dropped into a garden centre and brought some barrels – half cut – so we can plant fruit trees, pumpkins and things 🙂

On the way home we stopped off at the local shops…..djd went to get the bird seed…I went to get the daily paper…met up back at the car…I decided a G&T would be nice popped in to the liquor store…djd went to the car….I came out…and the car wasn’t there…oh I thought he must have moved the car closers so I wouldn’t have to walk so far…what a nice man I have…went round the corner….no car…no djd….sinister thoughts started to go through my head like….he’s driven off without me!!!!!!!!

then driving down the road come the car with a laughing djd….tears rolling down his face from his actions of….DRIVING HOME WITHOUT ME!!!! It wasn’t even a deliberate thought…no…he just started the car up and drove off…………..until he remembered that there was someone else who was meant to be travelling in the car………………of course the trouble is….I couldn’t even tell him off cause …I was busting my gut laughing too much…could hardly speak with the laughter…..I think I should have growled 🙂

As promissed piccies 🙂

Church in Tologa Bay

Pub in Tologa Bay

Street lamp outside the pub at Tologa Bay

Wharf at Tologa Bay

My artistic attempt at the Wharf


Cows crossing

One of my personal favourites – find the birdie

My second favourite – a young childs grave…looking dramatic against a darkened sky
taken at a church on the Bay of Plenty. djd has a really spectacular picture of the church.

Will come back with pictures of Maori Marae’s

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November 13, 2009

I love the fence in “find the birdie” photo and the photo of the whiteness of the marble monument against the background of the sky and sea is gorgeous. djd is lucky you can appreciate his sense of humour over his little mistake there. Luckily he didn’t completely gap out and take a long drive!

November 13, 2009

I came back for you !!!!! eventually :O)

well. it was funny! and next time it is your turn to forget.

November 14, 2009

beautiful…. and I saw the birdie!!!!! Chuckled too at DJD forgetting you….its good to have such a sense of humour sometimes eh? Without it the obituary columns would be even longer! lol enjoy the weekend,whats left of it. hugs P

Oh dear, djd! *grin* At least he realised – eventaully – and came back for you! I love that kingfisher. And the cows remind me of my childhood, when I often saw herds crossing the road (we had a dairy farm.)

November 20, 2009

RYNs: Those are awesome ideas! If you have more, send them! I’ll have fun with those! 🙂 Thanks!!

December 19, 2009

So…are you going to post some christmas photos of the menagerie?

Thank you for your Christmas greetings. I hope you enjoyed your day, also any other holidays you are getting. How goes your camera? Are you using it much these days? (That is a subtle hint that it would be lovely to see another entry from you. when/if you have time.)