smy darling sweet wonderful djd

 So as we drove to work this morning strangely our morning talking turned to gardening…..not a topic we normally discuss …no no no….we normally speak of religion, politics, world issue, how to save the planet…never do we discuss gardening.

anyway my darling sweet wonderufl djd was moaning about how there are no books written about/by nz gardening/gardeners……they are either based on american/english seasons….written by people with degree’s but no practical experience…none are written by the good old honest NZ gardener.

So I thought to myself….today I will go out and see if I can find a book that will give my darling sweet wonderful djd what he is looking for….and I could not believe my luck when I found just that….a book not only written by a new zealander but one who also used to write gardening tips for a newspaper…one who used to own his own nursery… who has lived a life and knows what is what.

there he was talking about leaf curl…..about flower drop….about all the things that can go wrong with tomato’s….how if your toms are in all day full sun you should shade them….how you should shake the plants to help the self pollination

How I couldn’t wait to give my darling sweet wonderful djd the book, how I couldn’t wait to see the look of adoring love in his eyes as he thanked me for finding such a treasure……how that look would probably turn into a twinkle of glee at the thought that I who call him eccentric…me who laughs at his antics….had just brought him a gift with love that proved him to right in the things he has been doing and saying.

so my darling sweet wonderful djd….i hear by admit to your surperior knowledge….I admit you knew what you were doing…I admit you produce wonderful vege’s….I admit that I still think you are eccentric only validated by the book I brought you today 🙂


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February 17, 2009

I think you should actually give more detail on where exactly I am right and that your unjust jibes at my ecentricities and peculiar habits (such as tomato blossom tickling) have backfired and that yes – I – The ecentric “englishman living in Wellington” is completely right and backed up by nothing less than a true Kiwi master gardener who obviosly knows what he is talking about :O) Loveyou sweetie :O) D

*grin* Maybe djd and that author know each other – and they are conspiring to confuse the world with such eccentric things as leaf curl, flower drop – and, most of all, shaking the toms.

February 19, 2009

i agree with arbi…. it’s a conspiracy amoungst the vege-boys!

February 19, 2009

what happened to the long note I just wrote? Its gone. I wanted to say that there are in fact several NZ specific gardening books out….also magazines. You may like to subscribe DJD to the monthly publication of ‘NZ Gardener’…its very good. Meantime, don’t let his ego get too big…we know how men revel in their own capabilities. LOL hugs P

February 27, 2009

Awwww…this is just so romantic.

RYN: *grin*P.S. Have you noticed you haven’t written an entry here for a month? (Hint!)