Yep its the end



Good bye and good riddance 2006……hello 2007

I suppose I could sit and ramble on about what I got up to last year but really I think 2006 is marked as the year of doing bugger all!!

Ok we went on a trip to Vanuatu and a quickie to Sydney/Blue Mountains.

Ok so I changed jobs and now am busier than ever and the unknown of whether I will even have a job in the new year as the company I work for are doing a "repositioning" exercise.

But apart from that what else did I do?!?!? and I can truthfully say bugger all.

Lost no weight…in fact went through several attempts all failing for one reason or another…mostly my non commitment I suspect. No exercise at all occured not even pottering around the garden. 

Oh and the garden is a mess…and I am not exagerating….I have never seen it so bad…the weather has been a major contributor to this with very wet weekends through the entire spring months not allowing us to actually pull it back into order for summer.

Oh and summer…whats that?!?!? We haven’t seen summer for 3 years now and this year is no exception. I’m tempted to move!

Oh and moving…what a roller coaster year of indecision….shall we move shall we stay….winter this year proved to be the best one we have had in this house due to the new gas heater we had installed and instead of thinking of moving we thought or borrowing against this house and buying a second house….but what….a rental for income or a holiday retreat. So once again the procastination kicked in…..and we made no progress.

So yes I could sit around and moan and groan about the year but quite frankly I shall be glad to see the end of it.

2007 just has got to be a better year….because I say so and yes I am going to kick myself in to gear…I have been far to lazy.

So exercise, dieting, looking for the next job, planning a trip in June to possibly Bali, getting the house valued and the next purchase made (rental)not sitting about and doing nothing all these things I will be doing and djd will be right there beside me encouraging me along just as I will be too him. We can no longer be each others sniper!! Yes sadly somehow we manage to sabotague any good plans or ideas we make…so much easier to sit on ones patootie and do nothing!

So farewell you wet, miserable, cold, I aint doing nothing year and hello to yes this year I will, exercise, diet, lose weight, be a nicer person…..the only thing I cant influence is the weather….bugger it!!!!

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December 30, 2006

they say summer will generally be cooler which normally I wouldn’t mind as too much heat exhausts me…but I agree with you that the ‘summer’ we are currently supposed to be happening is a tad dreary…I get fed up with the wind and rain too. On the positive side though, the gardens are thriving. I hope your next year is brighter..whatever the weather or weight issue. Maybe you can change your expectations, or even your vision. That may help. hugs and best wishes for 07 .. P

December 30, 2006

We’ve had many summers of gloom and rain…the last two have been great. Best wishes with your resolutions…I know I need help with mine.

December 30, 2006

Why don’t you go to Tasmania next year and do a bit of tramping and sightseeing? Good exercise, great holiday and their weather is so screwed up that it rarely rains. I seem to remember 2 yrs ago Dec was warm as I was pregnant but since then it’s been very mild. Move to Chch lol! Bob and I plan on riding in the forest daily and if I get a dog I’ll have daily walks too. Good luck with job hunting!

December 30, 2006

What the sam are you sat here reading this for !!!! get off you patootie and get some work done !!!!! :O) I’m smiling sweetie – honest :O)

December 30, 2006

7 more hours until your New Year begins. It’ll be WAY better. Oh yeah.

December 31, 2006

Happy New Year! Yes, 2007 will be a better year… it will be a great year! Hope it warms up soon. Hugs

January 1, 2007

Happy New Year to you!

January 2, 2007

Patootie? Patootie? What language is that??