1Christmas came and went…….



Picked SAE up on Christmas eve and she sat and decorated the tree while we watched on. She did a good job. I don’t want a fake tree or a real pine tree either so we opted for a native. m



At the ripe old age of 43 I thought my days of waking early for Christmas day had gone as there were no young ones in the house to wake as the sun started to break the morning sky with their squeals of delight at the presents at the end of their bed, with the demands of wanting me up to open presents. And this Christmas to some degree I didn’t have to except I realised that djd had been up for a couple of hours and that would mean he would be getting ready to make his breakfast and he was to receive a Christmas present that was meant for breakfast!!


So up I jump and for once its me going around the sleeping house saying “come on its time to get up and open pressies!!” and sure enough djd had put sausages on to start his cooked English breakfast.


What djd didn’t realise was that after a conversation the night before with daughter SAE we discovered we had brought djd the same Christmas present!!!! So we knew he would be opening 5 presents all the same as SAE had wrapped her 4 separately.


SAE played Santa and dished out the presents. I received really great ones from all the family….djd need not have panicked as his gifts were wonderful and the book he got me on the kiwi who walked the Great Wall of China will be a great read!


And the present djd received from SAE and I was baked beans.

Yes I know it’s a very strange thing to give someone but you see djd is English and he is always commenting on the food he left behind in England, like Heinz baked beans because the Watties version here is too sweet for my sweetie. But to the rescue there is a shop opened up called Cool Britannia which sells English treats….like Heinz baked beans!! I also got him a sweet called walnut whip…one of his favourites from England…I know this because when we were there a few years ago we went hunting for them!!


My mother has a quirky sense of humour and this year proved no different with a stuffed toy for djd which appa

rently you place on the top on your lounge suite to keep an eye on you and wait for it….

you will never guess what she brought me…….


never in your wildest dreams…..








I can tell you it is made of possum fur……………








and there is two of them…

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one for each…………………..


















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yes she brought me nipple warmers!!!!! Much hilarity over this present I can assure you!!! And my sister had a pretty good laugh as well


We had a wonderful lunch meal of duck and pork with all the trimmings and then just blobbed. The Eagle seems to be enjoying her time just reading and watching cricket and eating!


Heard from my sis in Australia, her, brother-in-law and her two boys are coming over in February next year for 6 weeks for a holiday…that should be fun.


So that’s it really other than a couple of trips out to a couple of parks in the last couple of days its been extremely quiet and I still have a week to go before I have to go back to work woo hoo!!


I love the rose garden with the water lilly feature






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December 27, 2006

Very nice Baked Beans too sweets …and healthy :O) Looking forward to us having some time alone this weekend :O)

December 27, 2006

i must say… your mother’s gift to you was quite amusing. take care,

December 27, 2006

Pretty tree and decorations. Are you going to plant it in your yard? That’s one great smile on DJD! It sounds like you all had a great time. Your mom cracks me up! Thanks for sharing the photos.

it looks like you had a merry christmas!

December 27, 2006

Quite the range in pressies, from canned legumes to furry boobs! Much fun must have been had by all.

December 27, 2006

you need to find him Bush’s baked beans, those are the best, I have those featured in the “secret family recipes” book, complete with how to open the can! LOL And nobody ever buys me good stuff like nipple warmers, although if i suggested it to hubby, he would probably go out and shoot a couple of squirrels and make some. I told him not to worry about getting me anything this year, and he listened to me, then he was mad when I got him something! Hee hee, silly man. 🙂

January 1, 2007

I absolutely love the fact that you both got him baked beans. Someone sent me a link to those nipple warmers. That really made me laugh, but I couldn’t ever imagine them coming from *my* mother. Then I’d probably faint.

January 2, 2007

What will that woman do next???!!! Nipple warmers – I ask you! Altho they just might come in handy these cold days ! 😉