Just a quickie

What a beautiful Saturday we have ahead of us, George is outside sitting in the sun soaking up the last of any heat there is before the winter blues turn upon us.

We now are faced with a massive tidy up of the house and gardens before we go away for our holiday (Wednesday- Yee Ha!)

I’ll stay in doors and djd will head outside to do a bit of tidy up, clearing paths and moving soil, putting dug up dahlia bulbs in soil as a place of storage before we deal to them good and proper 🙂

So come Wednesday we are off to Vanuatu for 10 glorious days…..we have been before some 7years ago. We were still in our getting to know you stage and were like silly teenagers and frankly I cant see that changing for this visit either. We have pretty high expectations based on our memories so we are hoping we haven’t built up too much expectation….never mind we will make the most of it no matter how it now is.

Memories from our last visit are things like, hot weather, a beautiful big moon over the lagoon, friendly people, wonderful culture so different to ours, a habour with a swimming race of humans and pigs!!! an island visit where we saw the most amazing spiders suspended in their webs from the trees just above our heads!! canoeing across the lagoon and having a race with a local, two against one and he still won!!, MOUTH MONSTERS in the lagoon that may have been just a very large rock at the bottom of the lagoon but certainly got djd panicked at my insistance that there was something in the water!!!  hee hee

So might not be back here until we get home so will sign off for now and clean the house and get my camera ready to go on holiday 🙂

Oh I missed out on that other job but thats ok wasn’t cut up about that one either, so will start looking again on my return.

Till next time diary

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May 19, 2006

Me Panic!!!! I wasn’t the one back paddling, pointing at mouth monsters and going eeeeekkkkkkk at the same time !!!! We take the local lad on and win this time sweets…he was worried last time :O)……

May 19, 2006

Have the most fantastic holiday ever!!!! You hear??!! Bon voyage and happy travels. Snap lots of goodies! 🙂 ))

ohh looking forward to lots of pics!

May 19, 2006

I hope you both have a fantastic time! Bring back lots of pictures. Enjoy and relax. Safe journeys.

May 19, 2006

Have a great time on your vacation! And if you are worried about living up to the old memories make some new ones!

May 20, 2006

Hello from British Columbia (westernmost province in Canada). I found you in the photography interests section. Will be by later this weekend when I have time to write.

May 20, 2006

Your closeups are obscenely good…you really an amateur?

May 21, 2006

wow…I didn’t realise you were going that soon……but its great to get away from this variable and cooler weather for a bit. I know you’ll both have a great time…..if I put some money in the post tomorrow, would you please bring me home a nice shell for my collection??? hugs

May 21, 2006

Hi Polz …. Don’t be silly about the $$ If we can bring a shell back we will ….. As long as the customs man doesn’t get upset :O)