Out and about in Wellington

1 job gone!! went for the second interview on the office manager job and it went really well. I walked away after an hour and a half feeling as though I could not have done any better. None the less I missed out on the role. I was told by the person who rang me and did the first interview that the other person just had skills they were looking for that I didn’t have and she added "I really liked you" oh aint that sweet….oh well onward and upward. I’m not worried about losing out on the role as although it would have had challenges I suspect that they would have wanted a fair amount of my flesh along with my blood!! Still have a possible for the other one, although it is the better role, I’m not convinced I will have the level of skills they are looking for, but don’t expect to hear from them for at least another week or more.

However something better come along soon, I am so sick of where I am now working….had enough of the work and some of the people. If nothing happens in a couple of months I will consider going temping.
I have lots of piccies to show you, some good some not so good but its the only one I have so will post anyways 🙂 So sorry but there could be up to 20!!

We went on a drive around Wellington intention of showing the sights of Wellington off, got a bit caught up on the wildlife though so tomorrow we might have to go out again and get some city shots 🙂

Daughter visited this week to study…see how dilligent she is!!!

Cola is always sniffing out the food!!

 We have a beach in Wellington with imported sand from the south island, took months to bring it across the ditch (Cooks straight crossing between the south island and the north)

Seagulls people watching

Poor tired little blue penguin who isn’t normally swimming in spots like this…hope he survives!!

The old and the new meet and somehow it just doesn’t seem right


So many fisherman today this one we photographed

Seal so enjoying the sun and oblivous to all around it

The only shag in Wellington not shagging!!

 Stoney Beach

Easter Island comes to Wellington

Lucky last the mouth of Wellington harbour

Till next time diary

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May 13, 2006

It was a great day to be out eh sweets:O) In between the bad weather….. That poor penguin…Just wanted to rest and too many people around………

May 13, 2006

Great photos – what an interesting place Welly is!! And you’ve captured it so well. You’ve got a good eye! (Inherited, of course!!!) The poor wee penguin – maybe he’s a stray from Dunedin? Did Cola get her feed? 🙂 Say Hi to the hard studying student daughter from me!

what a wonderful trip! i really enjoy your photos, ever so much. meeting and greeting others from everywhere around the world is the best part of OD. and you dear woman, are a real delight!

May 13, 2006

Such a beautiful place and you truly captured it! I love the seal, simply adorable! ryn: I was hoping you would take a few of my animals! One dog and 2 cats in an apartment is way too many! hugs for you

May 13, 2006

Great pictures. One of the nice things about OD is being able to come here and have a view of all of the wonderful places I may never get to see in person but with the click of the mouse it’s like my own guided tour. Thanks for sharing you helped to make my day!

May 13, 2006

beautiful photos!! loved the seal just hanging out and sleeping. you take such wonderful pictures. mine are never as good. take care,

May 13, 2006

Oh, fantastic photos! And I think it’s just the coolest thing EVER that you might have a penguin come zipping into the harbour. Hope he survives.

May 13, 2006

Yet again great pics, I am very envious of that seal!!!! *hugs*

May 13, 2006

RYN:The website is http://www.menumade.co.nz I think if this week works with the menu I chose, then we might join as the thought of “knowing” what to make for dinner is really appealing. We’re having beef, vegies & noodles tomorrow, Cajun chicken salad on Tues, Bangers& mash on Wed, Apricot chicken & rice on Thurs, Spag Bol on Fri, Cheese crumbed chickn & garlic potatoes on Sat, hungry yet? 😉 *hugs*

I love seals! Great photos, thanks for sharing …. ryn: Zelda will be for GameCube! I can’t wait!!!

May 14, 2006

you are certainly doing well with your new toy…love these pics. The dozy seal was most endearing…and I was fascinated to learn about the sand from the south island…I didn’t know that. As for a job…the ‘right’ one is there for you….just wait and see….hugs

Oh, great photo! Cola looks adorable – and hungry? And that seal! How I envy you a beach with seals! I visited Wellington (in 1969!) and those house photos reminded me of all the homes climbing up the steep hillsides. It’s a beautiful city, isn’t it – even though a tad windy at times, people say.

May 16, 2006

it looks very beautiful there…and the buildings look grand…

May 20, 2006

Terrific photos…love Cola sussing out the food and the rocks on the beach. The seal on the rock is wonderful too.

June 29, 2006

I have photos in my latest entry taken from just about the same place on Oriental Parade – the “old & new” houses feature in mine too! How Random! Poor penguin – hope he makes it!