Easter weekend came and went

I love Easter weekend, not because of the chocolate, cause I have to be in the mood to eat chocolate and I wasn’t or because of any religious meaning, but because it’s a full 4 days off work….woo hoo 

Friday was the day we went and picked my mum up from Paraparaumu, she got a ride down there from Palmerston North. Picked daughter SAE up on the way home and spent a family day just sitting around and watching some comedy. Have you ever heard of four American comedians that go on a tour and call it Blue Collar Comedy Tour. The comedians are Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, Ron White and Larry the Cable Guy. I find them so funny I pee my pants, ok so that has something to do with my lack of bladder control but none the less they are really, really funny. They have a couple of segments that crack me up called “here’s your sign” and “you know you’re a redneck when”. Worth watching if you like stand up comedians.

Saturday we actually got out into the garden…..I know!! I here you gasp in shock as much as we were by our enthusiasm. We have so many lilies in pots around the place so we pulled weeds and have the pots ready to top up with more soil and weeded and pulled some gladdies out of one of the boarders and plotted and planned some more about what we will do. In the past if djd had an idea I would make it happen but now I would rather have somebody else make it happen but still we will get there and get it all done this year. Must remind djd to take some before and after piccies.

Sunday we went over the hill known as the Rimutaka’s and into the Waiarapa. They have been working on a large part of the road for a few years now and we haven’t been over there for probably 3 years. We couldn’t get over the fact that it only took us 40mins from our house to get over ??? We remember it being so much longer??

It was a beautiful day and we stopped in Greytown for some brunch and then nosing about the antique shops. I brought a couple of netsuke (bone carved Japanese ornaments no taller than 1 inch tall) and spotted a whiskey bottle decanter, which I though djd might like but since he chose to browse the street instead, I didn’t get it. But then I forgot that we had mum with us and when she spotted him she dragged him back to the shop to show him a stain glass window and I grabbed the opportunity to show him the decanter and then he has the cheek to say “why didn’t you buy it”!!! Life is never dull around djd!!! So buy it we did. It’s a Haig whiskey bottle, a dimpled bottle, with a brass casing. Really nice pattern on it as you might be able to pick up on the pic’s following.



Haig’s whiskey decanter


I get the impression from djd that he wanted me to keep better control over MIL as he kept making remarks about “have you not got her on a lead?” He is so bad 🙂

We even saw some photo’s that were for sale in an art shop and I tell you they were nothing much at all and selling for over $2k, I asked djd when he was starting his new career!!

Then we traveled to Carterton but not much there compared to Greytown which has turned into a real boutique town with café’s and boutique shops. From there to Martinborough which is a wine making area. We had lunch at the flying fish and brought a couple of nice bottles of wine from local growers. Then homeward bound.

Today we went plant shopping and dropped mum off with my brother for the night before she heads home. So a very relaxing and enjoyable weekend. Tomorrow brings work, groan. We still haven’t won lotto!

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April 18, 2006

I am impressed that you can afford all this travelling now considering the continuing increase in petrol prices…lol I spent most of easter in the garden too..the soil was nice and pliable after last weeks rain. Am wondering if you two are at the Stones concert tonight……guess not.. all the money went on petrol…lol. hugs and smiles

April 18, 2006

I lvoe the Japanese figures, I have a wise old confuscious man which I inherited from my grandma, I rub his head in the hope it’ll bring me luck. Sounds like you had a great time and well done for getting in teh garden! I cheated, I pulled out the weed killer and sat back and watched those buggers die! Now my garden looks semi ok again, it’s a natural killer so I don’t feel bad 🙂 *hugs*

April 18, 2006

Just as well you didn’t mention the carload of plants we bought on the Monday :O) Perhaps we should buy a horse for travelling :O) Might have to be a clydesdale to carry the both of us though:O) Thats like an suv of the equine world…..

April 18, 2006

i love, love, love the blue comedy tour!!! they are so funny and some of that redneck stuff i can relate to completely since i was born and raised in the south! i watch them every time they come on the comedy channel. glad you had a good easter. take care,

April 18, 2006

So a good weekend then? That’s good. I like djd’s line about MIL on a lead! Glad you had some good shopping-fun. Have a good week at work – a short week – can’t be all bad. 🙂

April 18, 2006

why do I never get that “why didn’t you buy it” from hubby? Unless it’s a tractor of course. Easter? Did we have Easter and I missed it? LOL 🙂

that whiskey decanter is lovely! does djd collect decanters?

April 18, 2006

Love those placenames!Must be so hard to work in NZ with all those wonderful distractions around you!

Your Easter break sounds grand – including the gardening. Our ground hasn’t had a good soaking yet, so it’s still too hard to do much. Well, that’s my excuse for not getting out into the garden, anyway. Maybe next weekend?