A colour, a rant and bits and bobs

Your Blog Should Be Blue

Your blog is a peaceful, calming force in the blogosphere.
You tend to avoid conflict – you’re more likely to share than rant.
From your social causes to cute pet photos, your life is a (mostly) open book.

What Color Should Your Blog or Journal Be?

I dont know if this really does reflect the real me, but compared to some of the other ones that came up when I played around I think its the closest

Well what been happening, probably far more than I will write here as I dont have that good a memory!!

Been a long tiring week with some extremely early mornings getting up to take djd to the airport…I mean to say who in their right mind lets somebody book them on a 7am flight to Auckland when we live 40minutes from the airport!!! 4.30am starts are no fun I can assure you.

Still I made up for it this morning by almost sleeping in to 10am. I can keep going all week but when that saturday morning comes I just shut down and let the body do what it wants. I think that at one time many years ago I read an article that apparently most heartache’s happen on a Monday due to the fact that people sleep in so much in the weekends that when they jump out of bed on Monday mornings the stress is too much for the heart…..hmm..wonder if there is any truth in that one???

I had the opportunity of two job interviews in the last couple of weeks…wow….and I turn both interviews down!!!!!! Now you have to wonder why my sanity has decided to leave me…but there was two very good reasons…one of the jobs just didnt sit well with me at all…..I dont even know why I applied as there was a large aspect of it that I have no experience in at all and yet they were desperate enough to want to interview me…not only had I sent my application in a day late, they rang me the next day for an interview the next day….these things were just warning bells for me of desperation…..maybe I’m wrong but either way I rang and said thanks but no thanks….and the other one, I got rung for an interview and said yes, they sent me out further info and it turns out the top of the salary range they had for the role was 7K less than what I am currently on!!! and the letter made it very clear there was no movement in the salary range….strange statement to make in the letter, but none the less there is was. So rang them up the next day and said thanks but no thanks. What pissed me off about the second one was that I had actually asked them when I sent an email asking for the job description to also advise me of the salary range…..nobodies time would have been wasted if they had just done this.

I saw the 1st job advertised on the net earlier this week and they have gone to an agency and are advertising with a high importance of contract work which is exactly what I had no experience in….so feel justified in turning both interviews down.

I work in a customer service role, I deal with the public daily by phone or counter enquires so I have some experience in dealing with people and try not to upset them too much….sometimes they deserve to have the sharp end of my sarcasim and one day it will get me into all kinds of strife I’m sure. However what this does mean is that when I am a customer I have a certain amount of tolerance for customer service unless I feel it reaches a point where that just plain bad customer service and I get pissed off!!!  Today was one of those days…maybe we were both still just plain tired…however…..

We went out for brunch to our favourite cafe….lovely beautiful meal but our drinks hadn’t arrived before the food nor when we were half way thru or nearly finished…I was getting a tad uptight….looking over my shoulder at the counter area to give the impression that I was actually missing something…but nope didnt work…and then it happend!!! A woman who had come in when we were probably half way thru our meal and was getting takeaway coffee got her coffee before we got our drinks, a coffee for djd, an orange juice and a ginger beer…I mean two ofthe drinks didnt even have to be made!!!!!!


and then to give somebody who ordered well after us their coffee before ours was the breaking point. I stood up, turned around took 2 steps and asked where our drinks were??? "just making them now"….and I was well behaved at this point and didnt say anything and just sat down. djd has that impish look on his face and looks at me and says "she scowled at you"…….so what did I do…well nothing actually just laughed…..and said I dont care!!!! Coffee was brought over by her and djd backs it up by saying we ordered two cold drinks…and she snaps back "yes they are just coming" I still think we were pretty restrained really cause there as lots of room for us to make a scene and we didnt except to look at each other and just laugh!! apart from djd saying "she makes coffee and she thinks she’s stressed!!!"

We went to the place we’re not meant to go to but we always do and we always come out with………more plants!! This time we have brought spring bulbs……guess we will have to get our act together now and get the soil and compost and weed and dig up and replant bulbs etc

From there to the supermarket NEW WORLD SILVERSTREAM…..another bad event…..from a woman who pushed her way in front of us at the check out who acknowledged she had pushed in front after she heard me laugh and the look on djd face when she did…."oh did I push in, oh so sorry, I only have 2 items, so sorry" yeah right…2 items and a five minute convo about using eft pos and getting cash out!!!!!!!

And then the "boy" who served us who had to speed up after i kept moving the items up, who then dropped a light bulb we were purchasing and opens the box to see if its broken….but how can you tell with a frosted bulb!! and then look dumb founded at djd when he said 3 times we want a new light bulb…till he finally went and got one…to the eft pos machine that would read my swipe card….having to move to another till,and then having to wait will that cashier serves two people in front of me!!!!! and then when I point out to them that that machine had done the same thing the last time we were in there the woman starts to go on about no her responsibilty and she cant help it if it fails etc…which just pissed djd off to the point he started to tell her her job…like maintain the machines….get them serviced……dont give me any of your opinions!!!

So home we went seething……and here I sit ranting…….

They employ too many young people in places where customer service makes or breaks a place and they just don’t give them enough training. Sure they give them training of how to use the equipment of their job but not on how to actually deal with a customer or how to appease them……and when you have an older supervisor who doesn’t even know how to do that then there is no hope….a simple….sorry…….goes a long way but not once did any of the staff who I personally think gave lousy service say that one simple word. Even the woman who pushed in front of us said sorry which made it easier to accept her rudeness!

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March 17, 2006

Gee…you have been very patient, I would have blown a gasket at the coffee girl and I always go to checkouts that have mature people behind the register. Oh..and did you know that most people will die either in the middle of the night or early morning? Has something to do with the tides is one theory, all I know is when I was on night duty, it was a lot of work lol! *hugs*

Oh, what a bad run! And yes, that one word “sorry” can make such a difference. It says “I heard you. You are upset. I’m sorry you are upset.” Srange how some people never seem to realise that.

March 17, 2006

Yes it’s quite a sight to see you riled up and demanding good service. But people do need to speak up otherwise these yuoung-uns just won’t learn eh! Glad you were blue too!

March 18, 2006

And she gave you such a squinty eyed scowl too !! :O) It’s a good job the food is so good there … We have to forgive them …. Don’t mean we can’t complain at the time :O)

March 18, 2006

okay, well now I think I need a nap! LOL 🙂

March 18, 2006

maybe you should have worn blue to that restaurant….but i admit the service would have got me peeved too. Are you seriously reconsidering a job change? Hope you do find the right one…there must be something out there with your name on it. hugs and love

March 19, 2006

And I thought bad service was just something that happened in Ireland! Always taken aback by how fantastic service is in the US.

April 2, 2006

Gosh your patience is limitless – I think I would have blown eventually with all that going on! And you’re quite right – no-one cares about their job any more – there are far too many young folk employed on a casual basis & who don’t get enough training but then when the older people doing the training don’t care either is it any wonder? *steps off soapbox*