Tis the weekend

Don’t you just love theraputic shopping, your feeling down and you know you have to get clothes but once you start it makes you feel good when you find the clothes in a style you like, a colour you like, and it fits!!!!! and then you cant stop buying and suddenly you have a new outfit including new shoes and your looking pretty damn smart with it.

Now its my turn DJD…..you did enough therapy this weekend 🙂

Mind you I was treated to a new CD which was rather unexpected and rather nice as well. James Blunt….I’ve heard his songs for a few months now but not taken any notice of who the artist was but recently at my brother-in-laws funeral my sister played this song "Goodby my lover" and it brought many a people to shed a tear or two.

As soon as I got back home I downloaded the song on limewire and then realised he was the artist that I had been singing along to in the car on the way to work that I quite liked. If you have heard of him the cd isnt bad, I’ve not heard a song yet that I haven’t liked. Some songs are very deep and meaningful when you read the words…his are like that.

Been a busy week at work, the boss has taken an unexpected trip back to his England to see his sick dad and the place quite frankly is humming with out him being around.

Its another rather spectacular day here again only trouble is it gets too hot to work in the garden so rightly or wrongly we tend not to get into it for most of the day or any part  of the day sometimes and hence its looking pretty but needing tender loving care all the time.

I dropped into an open home last weekend, djd stayed in the car, something about not wanting to be hassled by real estate agents etc. The house was ok, not one I rushed back to the car to drag djd back up the drive or anything but nice. But no garden….but potential to build one, but certainly not as much area as we have.

Now I have to wonder if I was seriously looking for a new home would I want one with less garden?? I love our garden but at times I wish that somebody else was keeping it maintained so that we could just sit back and enjoy it, bit like wishing I had a housekeeper who would to the chores about the house.

Motivation to do the mundane things in life just doesn’t happen for me and the place gets to the stage where it has to be done as its just a pig stye!! Does this just mean that basically I’m a lazy person…ummm…probably. Mind you I dont see djd jumping up to rush around the house either. But to be fair he’ll head to the garden and I’ll tidy up inside at times….

Have been watching the winter olympics at night time and its been quite nice to watch but I must say I dont particularly like the ice hockey, doesnt do anything for me, probably reminds me too much of rugby and rugby league which does nothing for me either.

Well thats probably enough dribble for now, much about nothing!! 🙂

Till next time diary.

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February 24, 2006

Sweets We’ll be retired before you make a decision on whether to move houses or not ……… I do look very smart in my new clothes :O)

I bet you BOTH look very smart in your new clothes! I grinned at the mundane tasks. Aren’t they a pain! It’s so much more satisfying to do new things instead of maintenence. I have a group here every Wednesday, 6.30 p.m., and it’s a standard joke that the first person to arrive will find me with a teatowel frantically drying a day’s worth of dishes. If they didn’t come at all…. Ohhhhh….

February 24, 2006

Well you sound a mite restless?? Interesting. The James Blunt cd sounds like a good idea. That song played at the funeral has played on my mind a bit too – altho his voice takes a bit to get used to – however being a lifelong Joni Mitchell fan, I’m used to unusual voices – and to good lyrics too of course!

February 24, 2006

I am Happy to see you are doing well my friend. we are all doing ok here in Canada. I will write u a letter soon send me your e-mail here is mine deannat@cheerful.com

February 24, 2006

Hi! Hope you don`t mind me dropping by to read your diary.I love to read about life in other countries-the contrasts and similarities with our lives here in Ireland.

February 28, 2006

I think ice hockey was the only thing that Hazel didn’t watch of the winter Olympics and she was not quiet about any of her Olympic viewing either! LOL 🙂