LIfe back to normal

Well if you can call life normal that is  

Thanks for all your kind messages thru djd over the lose of C.

Middle sis will take a very long time to get back to normal life as well. No doubt at several times us other sisters will be left wondering what we should be doing and trying not to feel too rejected by the fact that she has made it clear she wants to do her healing by herself and I know why she is doing it as I have done the same in the past myself none the less I know deep down that eventually she will come through all this and things will take a new track with the closeness of sisters and families but it will take some time. I must admit to not being born with a lot of patentients so this will be a hell of a test for me.

Its been a very lovely week here weather wise and today is a beautiful end of summer day, hot with a cool breeze the noise of the cicarda’s chirping maddly outside. Noisey damn things they are and they dont stop chirping till 2am in the morning some nights to start again at 4am but still a definate sound of summer.

We went into the city today as the round the world yatchs are in the harbour and the greek food festival is one…yummmmmmmmeeeeeee. We go and buy lots of food and bring it home and thats our saturday dinner all sorted. I work with a greek woman and have had the occassion to go and eat at her place and the food is to die for!! Maybe I was greek in a past life or I just love good food.

I’ve applied for a couple of jobs this week and its now just a waiting game.

SAE is off to orientation for UNI next week and she is bubbling with excitement…hope it lasts…..unlike her boyfriend who I fear is on the way out due to some extremely controlling parents. Dont get me wrong I think discipline is a good thing but I feel theirs is way over the top and there will be tears before bedtime on this one.

Well I shall move on to other things now, djd is happily playing on his pc and I think I shall log off and play a game or two

Till next time dirary

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February 17, 2006

I think the boyfriend need to grow a couple of b***s and stop being a mumsi boy … but then thats me :O) This wasa very short entry considering there was so much to talk about ….

Isn’t it hard to back off when people who matter to you are in pain, either physical or emotional! But obviously your sister is the sort of person who heals in private. Best wishes for exercising patience! And best wishes for those jobs!

February 17, 2006

glad you are taking the chance to visit the yachts while they’re there……as for that Greek food….I am envious..I love Greek food. hugs as always

February 17, 2006

Good luck with those job applications Lil Sis. Life is never normal, you’re right. But as long as we can find semi-normal people to share it with, it can’t be all bad!!! Goes without saying that includes you and djd of course. No, you never were that patient it has to be said – and btw patience is spelt p.a.t.i.e.n.c.e. !!! (But I do like the funny way you’ve spelt it all the same.)