Windy here, whats going on??

The wind is totally blowing the wrong way….whats all that about…..and its cool on such a sunny day, spoils the day when its windy…..and to those of you that think Wellington is always windy its not….and the way our house is situated we hardly ever notice the wind.

I can remember when I was a kid biking to school in the mornings with the wind in my face and then biking home at night with the wind in my face as it had changed direction!! Now that was a real piss off, used to hate it so much.

Wind just make me angry 🙁

Mum is visiting, she is currently clapping and cheering in the lounge watching the 9am repeat of the All Blacks rugby  game against England. No noise coming from the POM of the house who got up at 4am to watch the English boys lose….I personally dont really care one way or the other but it is fun watching djd have to listen to the gloatings of a 75yr old lady :))

On Friday night mum and I had a chat late at night when everyone else had gone to bed and just remembered some old memories of moving from Gore to Palmerston North and also on the fact that when mum turned 60 she suddenly decided she was old and stopped doing lots of things she used to…..she re-kicked herself into action from 65 but has slowed down a bit now….but I marvel at the fact that she gets about still with no problems and flys around the country seeing her "kids" and has managed to keep her drivers licence!!! I cant imagine a world with out her in it but know one day it might happen, however SAE and I were teasing her about her reaching her 100th and I would be almost 70 and SAE would be my age in her 40’s!!!! seems to surreal really 🙂

SAE was surprised to learn that you got a letter from the Queen when you turn 100 (well it will probably be a king at that stage) and she said "what for? just to say congrats you made it to 100!!" well yes basically….but it is kind of a strange thing……oh well I’m sure djd will be able to tell me the history of that one 🙂

I had a cold last week, and I am such a sook when it comes to runny noses and sore thoarts. Anyway had a couple of days at home just sort of blobbing out and bumming around.

I went for a job interview a couple of weeks ago, for a job with the same govt organisation the djd went for his, they had said it would be two weeks to go through the process. This  meant that whoever was successful would hear, get reference checks done, get an offer, sign and the unlucky ones would then hear within that two weeks. So on Thursday when my mobile rang and it was a woman from the HR dept of this govt org I was ready for the delivery of bad news as I had already told myself I had missed out (and I so wanted it!!!) but no I was wrong!!! They dont work fast this crowd!! apparently the guy making the decision had been away for a week and it would be another week before they would make a decision!!!!!! YOU WHAT!!! I now have been givien a life line and hope which will just be dashed against the rocks next week because lifes cruel and the devil is playing with my head!!!

But the funniest thing is that its likely djd will get an offer, which he will probably take if the money is right, and if I was to get my job as well, we would both start on the same day and the funny things we have laughed about doing to mess with the heads at this organisation…like walking up to djd and slapping his arse :)))) as we get introduced….or just snogging at our introduction…oh well….they were funny at the time 🙂

Well better move on and do some more watering….where is that damn rain…its only November and already we are almost having to water every night…..whats going to happen to our beautiful plants when we are gone for two weeks without water :((( 

Till next time

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November 19, 2005

that would be so great if you both got those jobs with the same department….the country will really go to the dogs then…LOL (I am presuming its a govt dept)…LOL Glad your cold is better. Whats wrong with wind? It scatters seeds and it cools us folk who are melting up here in early summer heat… huggles

November 20, 2005

hope you both get the jobs you applied for. i don’t mind the wind in summer but i sure don’t like it in the winter. the wind has made for some very cold days here lately. i’m not looking forward to winter this year. it was down in the teens this morning for lows…if the wind had been blowing it would have really felt cold. take care,

November 20, 2005

That’s cool having your Mum visiting and good on her for staying independant! I love the bum grab if you worked for same company…would really turn a few heads lol. I hate wind as my hair gets all fluffed up and I end up looking like I got electricuted. *hugs*

Oh, I’m so glad that you are still in the running for that job! How great if you and djd both get a position with that company!Your Mum sounds terrific; I hope she remains fit and independent for a long time yet.

November 21, 2005

Hi Grumpy !! I’m still hoping we get to work together in the same company …. Those luch time walks in the botanic gardens would be great togther :O)

November 29, 2005

the wind is blowing here too, and I hope you got the job too. 🙂