Sore arms….exhausted!!

In my feeble attempt to persuade DJD that I was serious about exercise I brought a ball 🙂 yes a ball…but one you roll all over and exercise on….core summit or other…anyway today I finally put the dvd into the machine  and played the first set of exercises…just ten in total…about 20 minutes work….wasnt bad going and something I think I could get into, as DJD sat on the couch watching me!!!

I’ve come to the conclusion that to take this exercise thing serious we shouldn’t be working cause going to the gym today although was a bit sad going in on a holiday we had the place to ourselves and I didnt fine it as daunting a task as at the end of the day….so we just don’t need to work and I’m sure the kilo’s will melt away from us :)) Now where did I put that Lotto ticket 🙂

Took DJD’s son back home to his flat today….with him mumbling something along the lines of "better tidy the flat since I have a flatmate who wont"…how times have changed. But the biggest clanger of the day was when he announced he was thinking of taking up a teaching and going back to uni next year to do a 12 month course to train up!?!?!?!?!?!?! where the hell did that one come from….he’s not exactly what I would class as the most confident of young men and the thought of him trying to teach art with a bunch of teenagers kinda makes me giggle just a little 🙂

Never thought I would enjoy seeing SAE growing up but as I watch both BD and SAE it certainly keeps me on my toes as they throw curve ball after curve ball at you. LIke SAE has taken to the nightclub scene in the city on a Saturday night. Her and her wacky friends go in look after each other and enjoy themselves…….I’m just glad right now she lives at her fathers cause otherwise I’m sure I would be just like my mother had been with my brothers and lie awake in bed not really sleeping waiting to hear them come home. I dont think it is every weekend either thank goodness but still she is old enough to do this now and that scares the hell out of me. I’m sure her mothers words are ringing in her ears everytime she goes out "make sure you are safe!!!!"

Cola is suffering a bit. We took her for a walk along the river on Saturday and it obviously must have been too much for her and she has wobbled about for the last two days, very stiff to get moving…the only thing that speeds her moves are the smell of distant food….just close enough to make her gather pace and investigate…that and sucessfully defending the house from any cats trying to come in through the cat door 🙂

We’re off at Xams time to the South island for a couple of weeks. Doing  a bit of nostalgic catch up for me as thats where I was born and brought up till I was 12 and just pure fascination for DJD. Still it will be really great to show DJD some of the more memorable sights of the south island like Milford, and Orepuki where my parents grew up, married and had us seven kids before moving to a farm just outside of Gore. Riverton where we used to spend holidays at a crib, and on a farm just outside of Riverton where my Aunt and uncle had a farm and where we were staying the day dad died when I was 5.

Central Otago where there is just the best fruit in the entire universe, apricots, strawberries and oh Cherries…oh how I love cherries…we always buy a whole box at xmas time and I just sit and munch them away within days…but this year we will be in the heart of cherry land :)))

Dunedin where my sister lives and where we are having a "mcdinzie" family gathering on xmas day. Taking SAE with us who hasn’t seen some of her cousins for about 10 years. But just spending time there for a couple of days to explore…new territory to me too as although I have stayed in Dunners before I’ve not really explored the surrounds and there is a castle to be seen and a shoreline of birds. Albatros, yellow eyed penguin’s to name a few.

Right I’m off to go exploring and seeing what tours I can book us on to get the most out of the south island….

Till next time

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October 23, 2005

Wow! Two entries in 24 hours…thats a wonderful achievement McD…..*smiles*. Now then, when down south over Christmas are you planning to get to Queenstown at all? I ask, because I will be there at my daughters from 21st December till 28th. It would be so neat to finally meet you & DJD. Riverton isn’t that far from QT…around 2 hours drive I reckon. Hints and hugs

October 23, 2005

Keep with teh exercise sweets :O) We’ll be bounding over these Kiwi Mountains soon ;O) Kids !! Mines 26 !!! When do we get not to worry about the little sods eh :O)

Wow! You are definitely back on OD! Nice!! The trip to the South Island sounds lovely. I was there in 1969 (a year or so ago now) and still remember the awesome beauty of Milford Sound.