A snippet here and a snippet there

Well here we are at the end of the first two weeks, only a week to go and already I am dreading it!

We’re back in Perth after spending the last 5 days in a place outside of Pemberton called Karri Valley Resort….WOW what a ideal place for us tree, bird loving kiwi’s to come to.

There we were in a cabin set in the bush with green parrots comng right to our balcony. The first day we arrived was in the mid afternoon and we pulled up to our cabin stepped inside and relaxed, it was such a beautiful surrounding with the bush and a view of the lake poking thru the trees. We settle down to have a glass of bubbly and eat our chocolate covered strawberries and we get 3 parrot visitors popping in to meet us. It was just great, we had some mixed fruit and nuts and walnuts and thought we would give that a try and feed them and they just loved it. I figure that our food and service must have been something to tell the friends and family cause the next morning while sipping on our tea we had 15 of them appear, luckily we had plenty of food supplies 🙂

The wildlife around this area is just amazing so many birds and then there a lizards, kangaroo’s, emus and trout in that there lake!

The next day we travelled to a place to walk the Treetops, a big swing bridge walkway that takes you to the top of the trees in the tingle forest (oh if i was only able to tell you the tingle jokes that were to be had with djd’s name 🙂

Anyway there was not one bird at the Treetop walk, we saw more of them in a small divert we had earlier in the day.

We went trout fishing!!! djd caught one and cooked it up and gave it to me to eat, oh he is just so sweet, and it was a wonderful tasting fish. So the next day we hired the rods again and went fishing that night and caught 4 of them, 3 of which djd put back and 1 for me to eat 🙂 the next morning up at 5.30am and off to fish again to catch a couple of fish to take back to my sister and her hubby. Mission accomplised off to Perth we went.

Oh I forgot to meantion about the second day we were there where we saw a field full of kangaroo’s and the kookaburra and the sound of that bird waking you up at 5.30am with its song! So much to say about this last week and so little time.

Oh and there is a story to be told about Marron, but might leave that one till I get back cause it will be a story all of its own!

Djd is sitting 3 pc’s away from me in a cafe and probably saying the same things I am but a completely different view of it all.

Till next time diary, next time will be the end of our wonderful adventures in OZ  I’m sorry to say 

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March 25, 2005

Don’t you type fast !!!! I haven’t mader an entry !! Oh the tale of the marron :O)

March 25, 2005

This just sounds so wonderful and exotic, and amazing.

March 25, 2005

wow! you are having such a wonderful time….I know what you mean about the birds over there…I was in awe of the multitudes of colourful feathered friends I met when on the Qsld coast too…although I didn’t get to see a Kookaburra like you did. That was my one dissapointment. Hope you are taking lots of photos…… When do you get home? You are missing weird weather events over here. huggles

Oh, that ressort sounds beautiful! And I’m glad our wildlife is proving plentiful and friendly. But a kookaburra waking you up with its SONG? Am I understanding you correctly? Do you have the right bird?! *grin* Oh, well, one person’s raucous cackle can be another person’s song…. can it?

March 26, 2005

okay, what’s a marron? LOL 🙂