Where does one start?

Well we have been here a whole week and already we have aclimatised (not!!). Its stinking hot still and by all comments its all down to the cyclone and unusual for this time of year. Still we wanted warm weather we just got it in spades *grin*

So much to tell and so little time as we sit in a internet cafe and the time ticks up the dollars. Whats happened so far…hmmm….apart from trying to kill ourselves at the Murchison River (see djd entry) we’ve experience lots of different things. From the scenery changing to red dirt and scrubby bushes to seeing  kangaroo’s standing in  the middle of the road to the most wonderful scene of a mother kangaroo giving her joey a drink at the side of the road with a protective paw on its back. To seeing banksia bushes growing wild on the side of the road with a beautiful orange flower. Seeing foxes run accross the road as we drive at a rediculously high speed not even realising you are as the roads are so straight and they just stretch out in front of you forever.

I’ve been trying to keep a daily diary, handwritten. Its amazing how fast you lose the art of handwriting, my hand gets so tired however I hope that from this I will be able to type out so better entries of the things that have been going on.

But I have to recall at least this piece of info djd and I were laughing so much when we witnessed it. We stopped off at a roadside cafe, where all the truckies stop to have a gossip and find out who the new truckie on the road is and where he came from. Anyway we decided to experience a roadside brekkie and really it wasnt that bad actually. We ordered coffee and thought that at least they would have perculated coffee but oh no we got two mugs and instructions over to the table where the coffe granules and milk were. Thats fine we can cope us 2 flat whites with double shots drinkers. But the funniest thing was this guy who was behind the counter taking the money for the petrol that had been pumped into cars. This couple come up to pay and he asked which pump number and once being told grabbed a pair of binnoculars and from behind the counter peered out into the forecourt and read the amount to pay. The tourist’s queired the amount so he picked up the binnoculars again and paired out to confirm that he was right and they were wrong. The looks on their faces was just priceless and djd and I were silently laughing ourselves silly. 🙂

Well I shall end now and peer over djd’s shoulder to see what he’s writing 🙂

Till the next chance I get write

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March 18, 2005

Next time, you’ll have o go to Perth in wldflower season, apparently it’s spectacular. Glad the bugs and reptiles haven’t harrassed you yet….they are scarier than the locals 😉 *hugs*

March 18, 2005

well, Australia is a big country….so I guess their petrol station forecourts are too….LOL Hope you are taking photos, especially as you are struggling to hand write notes…(I know what you mean…I am almost habitually picking up a pen with four fingers ( that I use to type with) lately…LOL Glad you’re enjoying you trip… keep away from dangerous critters. hugs

Oh, I love your story about the truckie stop and the binoculars! Percolated coffee???!!! In my experience (and a truckie stop or two – or hundred) “coffee” in those places is always Nescafe or similar. “Real” coffee is for the effeminate townies! Binoculars used like that I haven’t seen – but aren’t we Aussies an inventive lot! Continue to enjoy our Big Country!