A New Year!

A New Year!

I don’t know that this year should feel so different to any other start of a New Year. Maybe because we had people here on New Years eve, maybe because I’ve had more contact with my sister and family last year than I have in quite some time (I have even written a newsy family letter to send to them all!).

Maybe its just because things are more settled for us now and we wont be moving. Maybe because we are making big plans for things around the house, it could be just that we are taking a trip to Perth in March, it could be that we are going to commit to getting fit and lose weight. Whatever it is the New Year seems like a great start!

DJD’s family has come and gone, it was really great seeing them. I do enjoy their company. They all have such a quick and easy ability to laugh and we had plenty of that over the last 3 days. It was also great to see DJD in full swing of catering to them and making sure everything was just right for them. A lot of effort on his behalf since I was at work those 3 days. So great to just sit around and listen to them chatter away about things familiar to themselves.

The dogs loved them too. Pepsi would sit adoringly at their feet or lie with them on the floor if they stretched out, and Cola was wondering about happy in her little world of chewy bones, brought to keep her occupied and a very nice job it did as well. The run of effect of that is that Cola has done nothing but sleep since they left!

George would appear at meal times, meow at anyone who would listen and then be fed by DJD sister! Mickey would only appear when they weren’t here. In fact the second they left Mickey was suddenly at the door!

Well it’s a better day today than yesterday so we plan to blob a bit this morning and then take camera in hand and visit Eastbourne to hopefully get some good picks of the flowering Pohutakawa trees.

Till next time 

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January 1, 2005

I love your dogs! And that photo is priceless. “The Aftermath” if ever there was a photo to express it.

January 1, 2005

Colo looks exhausted, those dogs shouldn’t have it so rough! LOL 🙂

January 1, 2005

that should say Cola, I really do know how to type once in a while! LOL 🙂

January 1, 2005

Cola looks so peaceful, great pics. I’m sure this year will be better..got to think that..right? You haven’t mention daughter lately..is she ok? Glad the “in-laws” saw some sunshine at least, whilst here, and laughter prevailed regardless. Its always interesting observing animal behaviour around visitors isn’t it? My Bella always vanishes too, except with a couple of friends. Basil never did.hugs

January 1, 2005

i love the names of your dogs

What a delightful photo! That new camera is proving it’s usefulness, isn’t it! And visitors who bring laughter are simply the best.

January 2, 2005

Tell Cola to stay off the Pillows sweets !!!!! But you will have to shout as she’s as deaf as a post :O) 2005 will be a better year again Sweets .. .Onwards and upwards eh …

Awww! Cola is absolutely adorable! Happy New Year to you! ~

January 2, 2005

Sounds like Cola has the right idea to me…. looks so comfy! May the New Year be exciting and rewarding… going on holiday sounds like a great start! *hugs*

Thank you for your welcome home. I came galloping across here to read your latest entry ….. but……. Can it possibnly be that I’ve been all the way to Indonesia and back and you haven’t written anything new? Surely not! I’m sure you could soon put that straight. (Hint, hint!)

Thank you for your note. I’m glad you are regretting not going to Bali.*grin* It’s such a beautiful part of the world. Eventually I’ll get around to posting pictures of it (at the rate I’m going, expect them about next October!) Have a marvellous time in Perth!