Toilet etiquette


I’m sure there is an unspoken rule about your behavior to be displayed while in a toilet cubicle in a work environment.

There are two parts to it as far as I know, one is the person who has to hear your particular “noises” and the other is you who makes the noise (should this happen).

I’m not talking about no.1’s I’m talking about no.2’s and farting!

I see it this way, if there are other people in the toilet area with you, try not to make any farty type noises, if by a small mistake one slips out then thats when another unspoken rule kicks in!


If you leave the cubicle then the other person knows who you are, and thats just not ‘toilet etiquette’. Its best you never know who the other person in the cubicle was, far less embarrassing for all involved.

Now the reason I decided to write this was that I recently had a ‘toilet’ experience where I was happily doing my thing in my cubicle and somebody entered the room and started to do their thing, only they also farted, not a small little toot oh no a full blown bottom explosion.

Right I thought I was here first I’ll finish off and do my toiletries and be gone before they flush and appear….after all thats ‘toilet etiquette.

So I leave my toilet, wash hands and get paper towel to dry and bugger me if the other person flushed and appeared before I had left the toilet area. AAAAAHHHHHHHH you don’t do things like that to make it worse there are certain things I don’t need to know about a General Manager!!

So am I wrong to think that there is a toilet etiquette??? Maybe you are meant to think that everyone is as free and easy about your bodily functions and its ok to have this kind of sharing and caring attitude to the toilet. Maybe I’m just old fashioned, maybe we shouldn’t even have doors on our toilets?? Or am I just going a little over board now 🙂

What do you think?


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Whoa. I never even THOUGHT about that. At the same time, I do that too…try to leave before another person comes out, or wait for the other person to leave. However, I don’t think there really is proper etiquette. Never heard of such a thing regarding public bathrooms. Other than washing your hands.

December 18, 2004

Sweets !! You poor girl having to put up with that !!! At least she washed her hands which is more than some of the men in my office do :O(( Including execs … You’d think the higher the education the cleaner they’d be …… Nope …………..

Egads, you are so right. One should not leave the cubicle if one has passed gas…especially if it’s…ahem…pungent. Worse, how can anyone do that at work?? This is so not good toilet etiquette. Keep the gassers at home, please! ~

December 18, 2004

Oh McD I can’t stop laughing at this….I know exactly what you mean. My toilet has a door to the garden as well, and Bella’s catdoor is in it….thats always hinged open. Often I am aware my neighbour is in his garden when I am in the loo….it can get tricky!!! LOL Luv ya, and I’ll bet a dollar your manager will be nicer to you for a while….hugs and smiles

December 18, 2004

I never leave the toilet until it’s all clear and I know people who just sit there and wait until someone flushes before they do number 1’s because they are aware of the tinkling sound lol. Being pregnant, I don’t care about number 1’s, if I gotta go, I just go but alas I rarely do number 2’s or fart unless at home…feel more comfortable I suppose lol. *hugs*

December 20, 2004

I can’t believe they came out while somebody was still in there, I would have hidden forever if I had to! LOL 🙂

December 31, 2004

what i do if something really needs to be expressed so to speak, i flush the toilet at the same time to mask the sound. Ha! but yes, i try to wait until the others have left. i dont like to do that business in public anyway. lucky me, at work we dont have stalls, just one toilet in the bathroom so you are alone

January 2, 2005

I think the exception is when you are in a very busy public washroom and there’s a lineup and you hope that the sounds of flushing cover up your sounds and even better that no one will know which cubicle harbours the noisy one – I mean,when you gotta go you gotta go – and then you gotta leave quickly so the next person can get in – flushing thouroughly of course!Happy New Year!