Maybe impulse buying isnt so good

You look at something everday, you think you know all its little quirks and even how big it is but you go out shopping for curtains having not taken any measurements and realise that you may just be buying on a wing and a pray!

Then to top it off the shop was down one curtain for me to make up for the seven I needed but luckily enough they have 4 stores in the wellington region so a shop assistant looked up her computer and saw that the other shops had what I wanted and that sold it for me, I brought the five I had from that store and planned to stop off on the way home to get the other one. All is fine! Except I’m still buying on the fact I KNOW my windows!!!

We get to the other store, I just do the double check with the ones I’ve brought and realise that one of them is a different width size than the other 4!!!!! Oh no!!! delimma’s and a bit of worry start to seep in, and a bellowing djd saying I should have taken more care!

so into the next store thankfully they had not only the extra curtain but another one on top for the one I had purchased that was the wrong width. So all square again, but still on a wing and a pray!

But wait!!! I had missed counted and only had 6 curtains and I should have seven! we are having a new sliding door put into the room and we will need another curtain and they dont have the longer size!!!!!! I’m now offically depressed as I am probably going to have to take the whole flaming lot back to get a refund cause I didnt prepare enough (so unlike me too).

But as luck would have it there is yet another store on our way home, but unlucky for djd who was pretty well fed up by this stage and desperately wanting a toilet. I dash into the store, completing wrong end of course, but finally found the curtains and thankfully they had the larger one and I now have a complete set….on a wing and a pray!

Get home, look at the windows and doh! the ones in the lounge are shorter than the ones in the yellow room! the ones in the yellow room are exactly the same height as the curtain length I brought! Will this be a problem!! I have no idea, I’m too scared to start putting them up! And the sliding door is just right!

oh we brought djd a new digital camera today as well, I was going to try and surprise him with it at xmas time, but while standing in the store realised it might not be the best thing to do as he may have to make some decision about this camera he has fallen in love with over the last few months. He has done so much research on this camera and so much bleating about it I was surprised he didn’t know some of the really basic things like, does it take tiff or jpeg (turns out both). Anyway hopefully we will get hours of fun from it!

Its a miserable day here, done nothing but rain since we left the house at 11.30 this morn….its just like winter all over again……bah hum bug!

Till next time

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December 4, 2004

you and deej can rest in the comfort that our weather up here has been equally grotty….even hail-stones….seems strange digging out winter woolies again for the past couple of days. looks like improvement is soon on the way. daughter down Queenstown phoned, they were up Coronet Peak today playing in snow!!! is this really summer??? LOL hugs you both of you,

December 5, 2004

bah humbug on the weather for sure, but your curtain tale made me chuckle….thats the sort of thing I would do!! Now all I expect is some photos displayed from deej’s new camera…….not much to ask. They are great fun…enjoy!! hugs

I think you were incredibly brave to go shopping without measuring the curtains first! I would have written down everything to the nearest millimetre – then either accidentally left the list behind or bought the wrong lengths with great confidence because I’d made a mistake in my measurements! How have they turned out? Have you hung them yet? RYN: I identify with the relief!

Please, please….come choose some curtains for me. I detest decorating, so much so that I’ve a hodgepodge of books and mismatched valances and what-nots and dust catchers all just thrown together to make the place look lived in. RYN: Thanks so much for your kind words. I think it’ll be okay; we just have to make sure the children are, too. ~peace to you and yours~