Oh that poor little thing

I came home sick early yesterday, and am still home now. Nothing major just a niggly cold that doesn’t want to bloom into the full blown version but enough to give me a headache and a drippy nose every now and then…..just plain annoying!!

Having come home I made a cup of tea and sat on the couch to while away a couple of hours till I had to pick djd up from the train.

When I had gotten changed I had noticed this brown build up of fluff at our bedroom door, thought to myself at the time, where the hell did that come from, those damn cats!! Didnt think anything more of it and carried on.

Sitting on the couch I see George sitting in the hall just outside the lounge door, looking all very frisky with that look on his face to say “Yes I am up to something! what you gonna do about it huh!”

Next thing I know George is stretching paws out in a fast motion to catch a mouse that had obviously been underneath him! The mouse skuttles up the hall, I’m now sitting there and thinking oh my god, catch the bloody mouse and George and get it outside.

True to his nature George loses the mouse! However not true to her nature Pepsi the dog has been allerted to the commotion and bounds over to see what all the fun is about and apparently having quicker reactions than George catches the mouse in her mouth! I have never seen a dog do this and this is the dog that will chase a fly until she gets it in her mouth and then spit it out immediately cause its buzzing and wiggling inside her!

The one good thing about the dog having the mouse is that I can at least order her outside and she will go……OUT……OUTSIDE!! Off she trots happy to have caught the mouse. I follow her and tell her drop it…..which she so obediently does.

The thing is the outside is on our deck which is one story up and the now stunned mouse who I might add had a body of about 2cm and a tail of about 10! is thinking I’ve got to get out of here and starts to skuttle to the edge of the deck.

I’m just standing at the door way watching it, thinking, surely it will realise when it gets to the edge that its a damn long way down for a mouse that size!!

But wait where’s Mickey…..our murderous beast of a cat…the one that like to catch birds and huge moths (another story!!!) right on cue she spots the mouse and starts to move in on it. I’m screaming at the door for Mickey to leave it, get away. I guess she must have gotten the message cause she backed off just in time for me to see the mouse reach the edge and just keep going, right over and out of sight!!

So yesterday I saw a couple of cats, doing there thing, a dog doing summit that only a cat might do, and a mouse that decided that committing harri curri over the side of a one storey deck was a better option than captivity in this crazy house!!! 

I think the mouse made the right choice, oh and when I went to find the body it was gone!! So did it survive or did another creature catch up with it??? djd said that they are so light in body weight that it probably hit the ground and just skuttled off as it wont have fallen heavy!!

I think I will go with djd’s version 🙂


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November 23, 2004

maybe it died on the way down and sprouted angel wings, flew off to mouse heaven and is now sitting laughing at you all!!! That is one drama you can keep….its times like this I am glad I only have one cat that is too lazy to hunt. hugs and smiles ( glad to see your name lit up)….

November 23, 2004

i reckon that moth took it sweets – it was big enough to be a mouse hunting carnivor :O)

*grin* Lovely story – and I like Polz’ version of the mouse’s fate. At least you know you have good mousers at your house! One of my cats one never-to-be forgotten night brought in not a mouse, but a young rat, then let it go in the lounge room. I spent hours fruitlessly chasing it. It finally disappeared into the lining of the recliner chair – and was never seen again. Ugh!!!!!