I am such a sook

I am such a sook and I hate being ill. I get too bored and restless, I cant settle and read a book, TV becomes really boring, I cant sit for long periods at the pc and there is nobody here saying “poor you”!!!

Actually I feel really cheated by being sick right now, why cant I be sick when there is no pressure at work to get things done?? I’m not feeling 100% yet but I dont think I can really take another day like this, but then I cant take having a running nose at work and forever sneezing. So basically it doesn’t matter what happens tomorrow I wont be happy either at home or at work!

Talked to DD before and he’s feeling the pressure of this role along with trying to keep up with any work he brought over with him from his previous role and now he has to fly to Auckland on Monday to attend a meeting at 8.30am!! So its either a really really early flight or he has to go up on the Sunday, not happy about that at all!! If they are going to want him that much in Auckland then they can just jolly well move us up there!

Today is not a good day Diary so I better log off before I rant and rave anymore.


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what sucks is when you are sick and can not get better, you just keep getting problem after problem, stomach flu, then bronchitis, then a wierd case of lower abdominal flu… yeah.. and it lasts for almost a month straight. When you have stuff to do at work and can not get anything done. You fall behind on your school work too.. It just sucks. Find something entertaining, find a game =P

March 17, 2004

RYN: Thanx for the note and yes very confusing, i think we should make a deal if the other finds out the meaning to life and so forth we should tell other ….lol Sorry the read that your sick, i know the feeling of feeling gulity during a busy tme at work I feel gulity everything I ring up saying I’m going to be late of sick

March 17, 2004

oh dear, wish I could visit you & cheer you up….I could dress up as a clown & do some tricks for you..LOL (I used to do a bit of clowning, true!!)..keep resting though, you need to get properly well for when your beloved DD returns. You need each other, need to be together all the time….this flying north business is not good!!! (why don’t you go & cough and sneeze all over his boss,) heheh

March 17, 2004

I will get a taxi this time sweets – you can stay tucked up in bed …… Wish you were here :O(

Head colds are revolting aren’t they; too common to provoke much sympathy and too draining to allow you to enjoy life. Get better quickly!

March 23, 2004

Gee, hope you are feeling better by now! We hates it, nasty colds, we do.