stay of execution

Just when you think life is finally going to give you a break and let you get a direction it comes along and plays the joker card!. Well thats what it feels like anyway.

DD’s boss told him not to rush and move up to Auckland and wait and see what the month of March brings with the transition and bedding down of roles etc. So now we are back in limbo and me still in Welly and he still travelling to Hamilton as well as Auckland and even Christchurch now! Where is the improvement in our situation in all this? The only slight improvement is the fact that he can now work a whole week down here in Welly instead of most of the week in Hamilton.  Yes it is an improvement but then its also turning out to be a bit stressfull for DD as he tries to organise his weeks and is being pulled between Auckland and Hamilton. For example on Monday he flies to Auckland for training on the monday, then he has site visits for Tuesday then more training on Wednesday then more site visits on Thursday morning before going down to Hammy to see the staff and then on Friday flies back to Welly. This has caused him to have several sleepless nights as it all gets sorted out. I think he likes his role but at the moment its all go and stress and DD doesn’t handle the stress bit too well. Its bad enough when he gets depressed during winter but to be depressed in summer as well is a killer!!!

To look on the brighter side of things we have had a whole week of living a “normal” life together and going to work in the morning together and then coming home together and getting tea ready etc and being together for the evening instead of burning up the txt lines between telecom and vodofone!

But we both know this can’t carry on forever either so its all a bit unsettling really.

SAE is starting to get panicky about me moving I think and deep down I think she will miss me and not just my money 🙂 Maybe when if we do move it will strengthen the bond between us this time instead of killing it. Who knows I think I am just at the point where to focus on the positives instead of the negatives is probably a good thing to do.

Meanwhile at work its getting busier and busier and things are happening to make it very interesting times indeed, so I’m happy not to be moving on at this stage.

The garden is a mess, big big big time, so much so I’m seriously considering getting a gardener in to not only mow the lawns but to do so major cleaning and weeding around the place. Since it has been such a wet summer any nice weather days are usually spent in getting out of the house rather than staying here and doing the work that is required.

We’re off to see a show tonight of Korean Chefs who perform a show called “cooking”. Its basically them using knives to create entertainment, like chopping etc. Should be fun.

Well thats about all at this stage thats been going on, nothing really exciting as such I’m afraid.

Till next time diary




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March 12, 2004

Gosh this is o truly stressful isn’t it? Indecision is the pits!! Of course SAE will miss you…..did you think she wouldn’t? Personally I selfishly hope you move north as we will get to meet some time….keep us up to date. That week of normality was possibly a big hint of what could be!!! stay tuned…love

March 13, 2004

On the other hand, moving is a good way to get away from a weedy garden!