Been far too long!

Been far too long since I wrote anything in here, and its not like there are not things happening just that I’ve either been too lazy or too busy to sit here and type it out.  I have these occassional thoughts at night that I will write something at work and email it home to post at night, but then it gets too busy at work and that doesn’t work either. OH well I’ve eventually made it back.

So what can I tell you…..lots I suspect but here’s a basic summary.

Daughter (SAE) is hardly visible these days, if she isn’t at the boyfriends (which is every weekend) then she is at her fathers avoiding DD as she doesn’t get on with him. So I get to see her when she wants money a very satisfying relationship….not! She has started her NCEA exams this week and I fear she is not ready for them or in the mood for them either. The writing is already on the wall for her wanting to leave school and move in with the boyfriend (she is only 16!!) and what can I do about it…nothing…I could I guess chain her to the house until she see’s sense but I think she probably already resents me for various wrongs in her life already so probably wont be the solution. Oh well watch this space on this one!

DD heard on Friday that will be offered a job with the company that has taken over the outsourcing at his work!!  YAH!!! means he wont be redundant in March which we both felt was a real possibility. But it might mean a move to Auckland which doesn’t exactly thrill us both, although we have each lived there before when we were attached to different partners, and the place is ok and has lots of interesting walks etc around the place, its not our preferred place to live and we want to remain in Wellington. He will do his best to still find a job here or to get the other company to give him a job based down here. But if its a move to Auckland for him then its a move to Auckland for me as neither of us which to live apart during the weeks anymore. Another watch this space!

Work is work and its been such a busy year I am in awe of what it used to be like and how I now manage to get things done during the day on top of what I used to do in the last few years. I’ve just been to a conference in Auckland for Customer service and it was a great first day and not such a great second day. Anyway we got to listen to some fascinating people like Christine Rankin, Suzy Aiken, Billy Graham (not the religios one!) and John Shackleton. They are amazing people and really know how to inspire people and you can do nothing but really admire them for what they have achieved in life. A bit of a reality check as well when I realiesed that these guys are either my age or slightly older and are so physically fit I am jealous! My own fault of course but still… this enough to inspire me to get on with life and do something about it….I’m talking about my fat and lack of exercise of course 🙂 Yet another watch this space!!

Animals, well what can you say about cats, they are still independant cute creatures who apparently missed me when I was away, makes you feel wanted *grin* and the dog, poor thing her paws have a disease which has effected the quips which has dried them up and the nails wont attach to them anymore and if her nails get too long and she knocks them they can lift right up off the paw and its extremely painful for her. The solution at this stage is to put her onto fatty acids and see how that goes, the alternative is to pull all her nails out and let them grow back!!! I dont think this is any sort of option!! So yep you guessed it watch this space!!!

The garden is looking pretty weedy at the moment actually, we have been trying to get around during the weekends to do a bit here and there and although we have made good progress with clearing the back bank we are still a long way off getting the rest of the weeding done! One and two of the lillies are almost out and I here somewhere up north there is a beautiful display of yellow and red lillies already! (We are so totally jealous 🙂 The tulips were just spectacular and made such a beautiful display. At one point I thought they weren’t even going to appear! The dahlias are in leaf and are starting to get flower buds on them, the begonias are shooting away and difinately ready to be planted we just have to get the ground ready! The house is meant to be getting a lick of paint but the painter doesn’t seem to have the same urgency as us to get it done, so a call to him tomorrow to remind him we want it done before the end of November as DD’s sister and her family are coming over from England and we want to show off! Just how many watch this space can you have in one entry !!!!

Well I’m off out now into the sunshine and off to weed.

Been good fun to catch up diary, I must get back into the habit.

Till next time……….watch this space








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November 15, 2003

Welcome back Stranger !!!! Yes, the lillies are thriving continuously and I get lots of comments. Can’t take a photo as only have black & white film in camera at present. Sorry. Will reply to your email later….but you must promise not to stay away so long next time !!! hugs to you both, a good luck with the painting and weeding.