Pet Vet

Poor Pepsi 🙁 we have negelected her nails to the point where last night she caught one of the carpet and pulled it badly, as in sticking up in the air!! That kind of spurred me on to making a vet appointment and took her along tonight, not just for nail clipping but for all the jabs under the sun a poor dog can have! So there we are in the room with the vet, the vet making a big fuss of her, trying to make best friends with her knowing she is going to have to clip this dogs nails. The vet thought she would bribe Pepsi with a Smacko (doggy treat) and Pepsi took it in her mouth and promptly spat it out. The vet thinking it must have been the chicken flavour decided maybe she would try beef, much to her astonishment that a dog wouldn’t take the treat, but no, that got spat out as well. So giving up on that idea she proceeded her examination Pepsi had been rather thrilled to be taken out on this wonderful treat, in the car and the promise of a walk perhaps, but oh no!! Instead she had to suffer the indignity of a rather cold instrument being inserted in places that only a dogs tounge would touch!!! The look on her face was rather priceless (sorry peps) So after tempature and heart listened to the vet informs me that maybe the dog should be put on a diet so she loses 4k!!!!! Oh great now almost the entire household has to think about dieting!! (Geroge you will be next mate!) Then comes the injections and nose spray and personally I’m rather proud of her as she was pretty good with all this, not looking so happy about being where she was, tail no longer wagging, cowering in the back of the room but at least she was not biting the vet. But we did have her nails to go :(( One look at her nail that she caught last night and the vet basically says I’m not going near that unless the dog has been sedated! and after long explanation about how the nail will have to come off and that would be like a human suffering the pulling of a finger nail, I readily agree to the vet putting her under sedation or general anestic tomorrow for the nail clipping! So from 8pm tonight the dog is not allowed to eat (day one of the diet!) and from early tomorrow morning she is not allowed any water and I will drop her off at the vets tomorrow morning and pick her up after work. The dramas in my life never seem to end 🙂 And djd is in auckland for the next couple of nights so I wont see him until later on friday night and its the first time in ages we have been apart for the entire week and I am not enjoying it. He rang me tonight with news that things are not to great on the work side, about him maybe not being employed in 6 months so we have to start really considering moving away from Welly maybe even to England!(not such a bad thing 🙂 I wish something would come up for him though, but where he goes I will be there with him 100%. Things are pretty stressful at work as well with the place being so busy and the stress my boss is under, and being his PA as well as the office manager I seem to just adopt this role of protecting him from the unnecessary things in work or work at being the in between with him and the rest of the staff. I feel kinda bad for him as he is not going through a good time even if he’s in a position where this sort of shite comes his way. Sometimes I think I take on the mediator role far too much…never mind if it gets us all through the next few weeks then its worth it! Till next time diary

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Poor Pepsi, and poor you having to cope with all this with no djd for moral support…..hope tomorrows op is not too traumatic. Give her a hug from me. Also, I KNOW I owe you along letter, sorry, I haven’t forgotton you, just been busy (lousy escuse I know)…will write a long one tomorrow. Hope work gets better too…hugz

No water? Isn’t that kinda bad? You shouldn’t deny animals water…

September 30, 2003

Hope Pepsi came through ok – sounds painful having a nail pulled like that – my dog’s tail is finally all healed from getting shortened in the door – thank goodness – we clip her nails ourselves, takes both of us to do it – she used to put up a big fuss but now she just looks at us mournfully.

Oh dear. I know what you mean about trimming nails. Our poor dog is suffering cancer. When the vet trimmed her last Friday, she actually pulled her leg away. She hasn’t used that leg in a month! She looked so pitiful that even the vet felt bad for her. Our other dog is 120 pounds and all baby. It takes me and my husband to lasso him like a baby calf to trim him up! LOL