
Finally the tulips are starting to show buds, and our first bloom has appeared, a beautiful deep crimson. They are such a lovely looking majestic flower sitting above a long stalk to only live a few days. It seems such a shame they dont have a scent.

I find one of the most fascinating things about flowers is when a bumble bee is buzzy over them collecting pollen and their little legs have this huge stack of yellow pollen on them and still they seem to be able to glide from flower to flower.

Spring is definately here as its done nothing but rain off and on in the last week or so. Its too wet to work in the garden in the weekends but things are moving along nicely. Cant wait for summer now when the garden should be in its best.

We brought some more pots today, soon we wont be able to ever move from this house as the cost of moving the pots and barrells will cost us too much! In fact we have probably already reached that point with us having about 40 active pots growing various plants!

Still waiting for the men to come and clear the top bank for us and get rid of the gorse and open up the top of the bank to let more sunshine through to the back door. I got a quote for the house to be painted and nearly had a heartattack when I saw the amount….needless to say I’m getting some more quotes and just hope like hell it comes down in price by a few thousand!!! But at the end of the day we have to get the place done as it is bad need of it and we dont want it to get any worse.

Well big plan this afternoon is to clear some of the junk out of the spare room and make it look more appealing. Well thats the plan anyway I just hope we dont get to distracting by clearing out the wardrobe and finding things that distract us from the task in hand!

Till later diary

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Just don’t throw any of my books or magazines out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I guess that means there’s no need to clean out the wardrobe Sweets :O)

my tulips have just finished, it must be warmer up here after all. Hey, my keyboard is full of ants so if a little black thing crawls across your sceeen I am sorry…heheh Thanks for your recent notes and thoughts.Re my dad is a day to day thing right now. Sun peeps through between odd clouds and showers. Glad you didn’t get last nights storm to add to your garden woes. It was a doozy !! hugz