Mother Goose and Goosie Goosie Gander

The old ducks landed :)) It has been really great to see the two in action, but also reminds me how old they have become. They love to sit and remember the old days and the stories some of which I have heard in the past and others which is all news to me!

I think one of the funniest moments for me was when we were at my brothers for tea on Wednesday night and mum was egging aunty on to tell us a rather funny story about her catching the plane up to PN on the Monday. Not that Aunt needed much encouragement she started to recount what had happened, when about a third of the way through my mother decides that the story is so funny she takes over the telling of it. It was just so funny to see my mother take over and not even realise she had done it! And the story was really funny and the images it conjoured up were pretty funny as well. MY brother and I were laughing pretty hard at the end of it and I even saw a smile or two on the face of djd as well.

I’m not sure what djd has made of the visit except the fact that we had planned to have these 3 days off and enjoy each other and instead we got to play the tour guides for the two old ducks 🙂 (said with loving tenderness of course!)

The weather over the last few days has been pretty rotten actually except for Wednesday morn and early afternoon when it packed up. We did have a lovely lunch in a cafe over looking the harbour and then djd had to go to an interview with an agency (fingers toes, eyes, legs and anything else I can cross that he goes the next step to an interview with the company) Mum, me and aunty went to Te Papa then off to the brothers for tea, djd doing the chauefer thing by this stage.

Thursday we drove all the way around the Wellington harbour showing off different points of interest, like the house that sits on top of a hill and only has access via a cable car, to jonah loomu’s house to the wahine memorials and Peter Jackson’s cafe. Then into town and aunty went to the national archieves, djd had to go into work to sort out a bit of strife.

We went to an indian restuarant for dinner last night, for a family who never heard of Indian food except for maybe the last 5 years, SAE has taken to is like a duck to water and wolf’s down her butter chicken. This was mum’s first ever visit to indian food and she had it in her head that it would be hot, we have tried other times to get her to go indian with us but have always failed (one look on her face was usually enough to stop us taking her there) but we had an ally in aunty who likes spicy food so off we went. Mum really enjoyed it, much to her amazement I’m sure, but stiff upper lip and all she wouldn’t actually show that she was wrong to ever doubt us about it 🙂 Sometimes I think my mother is more English than djd!

Today they are off to visit another school friend and join up with another couple of old school friends before they head off tomorrow to do a quick tour of Napier and Taupo, weather permitting.

I think its been a pretty good visit and really not a total waste of our 3 days off, just not what we had planned.

Till next time diary

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Hey. Im New to Fod…. What’s up? Well nmbs & Have a super fantastic day. Tyler

I love your writing style. Very straight and to the point, yet intriguing and vivid. Nothing like mine at all! 🙂

glad the old ducks didn’t drive you qwackers !!!! To be fair, at least you were able to take them out and about. My dad is visiting me end of month and it is ALWAYS a painful experience for us both…made more so for being stuck here together under the same roof and we have nothing in common to talk about.(well, he has just never heard anything I have said thats all!!!) sorry, my hangup!! hugz

Sounds like you are having an awesome time – I just adore Indian food – in fact I like all world foods – maybe too much!! I love family visits – even though my family can drive me nuts.