Mixed bag of bits and bobs

Another week has gone by. The weekend has arrived and so has the rain. Its been a couple of weeks since we had rain and we were just thinking we would have to water the barrels and pots this weekend. Still put us off going for a walk if we had actually gotten ourselves motivated that is! Didn’t even get out of bed until 10am and that just disgusting!

So after such a late rising we decided we had to go out and have breakfast. Another meal where we managed to beat ourselves up about being over weight and “we have to get going with this!”

Then we did the ultimate sin……we went to a garden shop…..its like a drug with us the minute we step inside the building out comes the wallet! and what was it this time well the dahlia bulbs and gladioli bulbs are out! Oh the dahlia’s are just beautiful, deep reds, bright yellows and three varieties with beautiful coloured petals and white tips. So 20 Glad bulbs and 9 dahlia bulbs later we slunk out of the garden centre. We just can not resist! We came home and went into the garage to look at our stash of dahlia bulbs and begonia’s. DD seems to think the dahlia bulbs are a bit to dry so we will have to water them tomorrow. We have stored them in sawdust so wont be to difficult to wet them down again I hope, but I’m not the expert on this DD is, so I shall follow his lead.

We are now thinking of getting rid of the lawn and create another bordered garden in the middle of the other boarded gardens with a pathway between them all. Might take us awhile to get there but once DD thinks it I usually go about making it happen (well getting the material in etc and DD uses his brute strength to create ๐Ÿ™‚

The week seemed to crawl this time as DD didn’t come back until Friday when its normally Thursday….but to make up we took the afternoon off and had a late lunch in a cafe at Oriental bay over looking the harbour. It was so nice and relaxing and the most delicious mussel dish between us…yummmmmm.

SAE is at the boyfriends again although she made this huge statement to me this week about spending more time with her girlfriends but I see that hasn’t happened!!!

The BF mothers have come home from a trip to England and Singapore and apparently want to have a video evening tomorrow and want SAE to be there as they apparently mention her in the video. She has obviously made a hit with the mums thatย’s for sure. I do know of couples who have been together for absolute years starting from when they were teenagers going to school, I do wonder if SAE is going to end up being like this?? A good thing or a bad thing, so hard to say as everyone is different. For me it was a bad thing to have met ex-DH early in life at 18 married at 19, divorced at 35. I personally don’t recommend it but would never force that on SAE. One of my biggest regrets about the ex was that I never listened to my Mum who tried to make me slow down in the relationship I wish now I had!! Oh well if I wasn’t the person I am today and went through the things I did I would never have met DD, so bad start to a great ending is how I see it ๐Ÿ™‚

Just a bit of rambling today diary, till next time

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reading your bio ๐Ÿ™‚ nothing wrong with being 40 wish I was that age again. Daughters dont listen to dad either, mine since her teens through to her late 20s still meets men with PLONKER stamped firmly on thier foreheads, or is it me just growing old hehehehe

see…its all part of a bigger plan, learning curves and all! I must say AGAIN thanks for the lilies, but also for the MUSIC..am stunned at your ESP. I still haven’t heard from UK but waiting anxiously..even got a notion he could just turn up on the doorstep but that would be toooooo wonderful. Meantime, the music will keep me going….funny how songs touch our memories so effectively. hugz

I am thinking about you sweets. In Hammy just for one night this week. Can’t wait to be back with you :O)

I love my dahlias – they are huge and just beginning to bloom – I dig up the bulbs every fall and plant them every spring – they are the best flower in my garden. Don’t worry if the bulbs look dry – they always look horribly wrinkled and spent when I get them out in the spring – hope they do well for you!

RYN: Bella is fine thank…sorry I should have mentioned her. I am amazed actually, she bounced back extremely quickly,then I learned THIS vet always uses Rescue Remedy on the animals.I am most impressed. As soon as I got her home she was out the box, didn’t sway/stagger once,& straight to the foodbowl,wandered around a bit then asked to go outside. Within the hour her and Basil were playing