weekend is nearly over

Already! How the weekends just seem to zip by. Mind you probably didn’t help that on Saturday we slept in till 10am, well I slept and DD sat up from 4am writing and mucking about on the computer cause he couldn’t sleep, then crawled back into bed at 8am after I grumbled at him for sitting in such a cold room. Mind you for that I suffered cold hands and extremely cold feet placed onto my body!

We didn’t do a lot on saturday, took SAE over to her boyfriends house so she could stay the night. Had a nice lunch in town, stood on the parilment steps and made promises to come back next weekend for a tour since I have never been through parliment. DD finds this rather amusing actually the fact that he as an English man has been there and done that and a kiwi hasn’t!

Sunday – we finally marched off for a walk. DD must be coming down with a cold he thinks but I dragged him along anyway. The walk is called Eastern Hills Walk and it takes 90min and walkes you over a ridge from Seatoun to the Wahine memorial the other side. I thought it was a good walk in that it got the blood pumping but not a continual struggle, DD just didnt enjoy it. Wonderful views though of the bottom of the east coast in the north island and the entrance to Wellington where all the boats come through.

Picked SAE and boyfriend up and brought them back here for the night. DD has to be on his best behaviour as SAE seems to think he is scaring the boyfriend!! HA! or course he is trying to scare him as we want them to behave themselves!! So we have the computer room for now and they have the lounge and then we will do a swap, dictated by us of course 🙂

Tomorrow DD is off back to Ham and I have to try and not have a sad long face about it, but I hate it 🙁

WEll time to moozy on and have a look about and see what interesting things I can find on the web.

Till next time diary.

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Thanks for asking – my daughter is back at camp and so far no evidence of unwelcome stowaways. Shudder. Scratch scratch. That walk you did sounds glorious – wish I lived in your neck of the woods! Your winter season seems pretty reasonable compared to ours – winter in Canada is brutal!

Your walk sounds really nice, I might have to drag a couple of freinds along with me to it