
Ever since SAE has been a little baby she has suffered every year without fail a couple of tonsillitis attacks. Never enough for them to remove them just enough to be annoying and needing anti-biotics.

This morning on my way to dropping DD off at the airport I got a call from SAE who had strangly not gone to her fathers house for the night as planned but ended up at her boyfriends place instead. Anyway thats another story. She wasn’t well and BF lives over by the airport so I picked her up on the way back took her back home and then went in to work, with a promise of an early escape so I could take SAE to the doctors (well there has to be a silver lining somewhere in all this). I work about 30 minutes away from home.

So came home picked SAE up and went to the doctor. We were running late by about 10 minutes so I thought we’ll be here forever waiting to get in. To my delighted surprise we only had to wait 5 minutes for the doctor.

Now I don’t know about anyone else but when I go to the doctors these days I try to make a list of things I want to discuss cause the cost of $38 in my opinion is way over the top for a doctor just to write a perscription. Only this time it wasn’t me and it was SAE and she hasn’t mastered that skill yet. But talk about a fast vist, it took us longer to walk down the hall than we were in his office, and they have a fee for what they class as a quick examination and when they mean quick they mean quick!! We were there long enough for him to check her throat, her glands, her ears and tempature, to get her to bend her ncck and ask about headaches! so that was a “quick” visit and only cost half the price of a full one. So now I don’t know whether it is such a good idea to store up things for the doctor to check over or just get in and get the hell out so I pay only half the cost! and when you think about it the only thing that slows most visits down is the fact that somewhere along the way they want to poke and prod you somewhere which invariably means taking ones outer garments off……and for privalege this they charge twice the price as a “quick” visit.

Anyway the upshot was, her tonsils had flared up, and she has a dose of antibiotics to take, stocked up on throat lozengese and pain relief.

And the only thing to make me smile in amongst all this is no matter what if SAE is up to when shes not well its always her mum she wants.!

Till later diary

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yes, we ALL want our MUMMY when we don’t feel well!!!!heheh OOOOh sounds miserable though, truly, so please give her a hug from me when you can, just don’t catch it yourself!!(Although its a good excuse for a week off work…) take care down there, keep warm, hugz

Sorry your daughter is unwell – we both had our daughters home for the weekend! so nice – when I dropped mine back off at camp the latest news was a couple cases of headlice had been discovered – yikes – so my daughter has to go to the camp doc to be checked asap – I hope she is ok (and that she didn’t leave a few behind at home … ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!)

You sound like the perfect Mum :0) You might like to have a read of my diary entry on Wellington Doctors and what I have to go through to get anything done.