Do they celebrate birthdays in heaven?

Felix…. On Monday, you would have been 46. 

Do you know how this just… eats at me? You were too young to go. You had too much life to live. You didnt get to see your son grow up… who is a spitting image of you… 

You didnt get to see any of this. Not on this Earth… In heaven, I trust you are watching over him and I… but I would have much rather had you here… I need one of your hugs… to know it all will be okay… 

I would have much rather had you here… I know God needed you, hence his calling you home… But… doesnt change the fact I wish (Selfishly I might add) that I still had you here. Home. You would have loved the way things turned out… 

I Miss you. Darlin, I hope you have the happiest birthday… even up there.

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Awww. *big hugs* This is a bittersweet entry. I’m sure he’s up there watching over you & James. Love you dearly.

That’s Very Sweet 🙂

Love you *hugs*