
I know I said I would write tonight, on FB…


However. I am simply exhausted… and need time to rest, and put my thoughts into words. However. I do ask one thing. If you are on my FB… you will see a mention of …

Pearl Alliance… stop human trafficking



I beg of you. If you are on my FB, join this cause. Help us find a way to stop this. As Americans (and even my out of country readers) we turn a blind eye to this, because "its not happening here". Sadly? It is, and we ignore it. 


It is estimated a 102 MILLION woman just "disappear" off the face of the earth every day. 


This is women, and children… 


So. It is happening here. And it scares the daylights out of me, because I think…

What if it was one of us?

What if it was one of our children?

What if it was your wife, or girlfriend?

What if it was your sister, or mother?


Help us stop Human Trafficking. Please. 

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*big hugs* Rest well, dear Mandi. Thanks for the phone call & texts. And I joined the cause you mentioned… Love you.

I’ve never heard of that, but I know a lot about NightLight, which is an organization that helps women get out of trafficking and into a job.. my former pastor worked with this organization at least twice a year in Bangkok, Thailand.. but they also work in the US. Trafficking has happened an hour away from my home in rural South Dakota. If it can happen here, it can happen anywhere. And, it has

probably even happened in my town… just haven’t heard about it.