For the select few….

For the select few of you who checked OD to find the entry from yesterday of mine is no longer there, do not fret… It has been put on private. The one who I know saw it, thank you for your note… I let my insecurities get the best of me sometimes, and last night there sure did just that…


For those who didn’t see that, don’t worry, because it was a very upset, very medication induced entry which I do not want to have out there… not now, not ever. LOL. Don’t get me wrong, I love D to death… but, there are definite insecurities I have in tow that I am trying to squash. And I will. With therapy, and the help of D… I will work past that hurts.


*Soft Smiles*

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Of course you will! *huge hugs* Much love Mandi!

Love has its way of working out inspite of our hurts & insecurities *HUGS & MUCH love* There is a part of me that thinks life makes us hurt so that we can fully appreciate when we’ve found what we are searching for.